Have you seen all this stuff about Iron Sky?
http://www.ironsky.net/This is amazing. It's a movie about Nazis who left Earth at the end of the war, and went to the dark side of the moon. Then in 2018 they come back to invade earth. That's a fun geeky concept, though I don't know if the result will actually be high quality.
Anyway, the important part is not the movie itself, but the funding of the movie. They have mostly traditional funding sources, but they have a significant portion of investment from the crowd. Ok, that's not really new, it's just the same as kickstarter, right?
Well, the interesting thing here is that your investment is actually an investment, for real. You give them money, and it goes into escrow. The money can only be used for production costs of the movie. Then if the movie makes money, you make money, just as if you had invested in a stock. If the movie costs $100 to make, and you invest $1. If the movie has revenues of $200, you get $2!
If someone puts a movie on kickstarter, the best you can hope for in exchange for your donation is the movie itself, maybe a DVD. The fact that there is an opportunity to profit really changes the whole situation.
I would really like to see some technology projects try this approach. Imagine someone doing this to make a video game. What does a Dwarf Fortress donation get you? Nothing. Now imagine if it got you a share of the revenues of the eventual commercial release. I imagine there would be a lot more investment going on, and that it would provide necessary funds to hire more people and make the product better.
Fun fact; The main people behind this movie are the same people who made the Star Werck movie.
Actually, if Etrade, Ameritrade, Scottrade, etc. wanted to make money they could make a PayPal of investment. You get a free account with them to be an investor, or a non-free account to be an investee. The investee puts a link on their site that says "invest in us through *trade." You do a bunch of paperwork to get the free account from whoever it is, then you can use that account to invest in projects like this. They wouldn't do commissions, they would make the money by charging the investee for their account. They could also make money by handling the other services such as escrow and such.
Girls: Whisper me a comment if you're interested.
Guy: Keep it in your pants.
But really, I'm not kidding - I don't give a fuck about the acting, if I was that desperate to get laid, I'd go to a bar and lie to drunk girls. What I find exciting and interesting are the challenges that the production itself requires, from Actor wrangling, to Camera angles, the cameras themselves, the sound recording equipment and production, the lighting, the setting, the writing, the music, all that shit.