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Swedish Idol Fuckup

edited September 2006 in Everything Else

This guy is weird as shit. His choreography just sucks so bad, it's hilarious.


  • edited September 2006
    omg that is hilarious. I wonder if that's real. and Even if it's not, that's awesome.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Hey, it's Sweden. They're taking an American TV show with pop music and converting it to European techno. It just doesn't work.
  • yeah that's true its always funny when other countries take american shows and makes um there own they never work the way they do in America.
  • Uh... the show started in Great Britain. It was exported to America.
  • edited September 2006
    Really. I did not know that.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I don't think there is any techno in the Nordic Idol competitions. You don't need any talent to sing techno songs, so there is no point putting it into the competitions. They do however make fun of the idiots, and I believe some people have used this to make some kind of publicity stunt.
  • I never knew anyone could do such a high pitch voice while keeping a straight face.
  • That's hilarious
  • By the way, is there is there another American Idol going on or coming up in the states?
  • By the way, is there is there another American Idol going on or coming up in the states?
    The answer to that, of course, is "Who cares?"
  • Auditions are bring held right now, but it will not air until the winter.
  • Very true trogdor. Just trying to squeeze as much cash as they can out of this fad, then they'll move on to god knows what.
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