If I wanted to start a new topic. "What are your favorite websites to visit" Where should I put it? Tech? or Everything Else? And can you start a private thread for more then 2 people? Do you put a comma in between names?
I also read on the intertubes that Rym is an orangutan that has undergone cerebral enhancement surgery and has several bionic parts installed. I heard he does not need to eat. He has a sack of bacteria installed where his stomach is and the produce "food" for him by absorbing sunlight through his skin cells. Can anyone confirm this?
1. Look at the first post in this thread. 2. Because you created it, you can edit it. 3. Click the edit button. 4. Where it says "Whisper your comments to" type in your own name. 5. Submit the edit.
I also heard that an other rumor that Scott is really one of The Great Old Ones. Well a child of them. I heard his father is M'Nagalah the Eternal and his mother is either Yhoundeh or Zstylzhemghi. Can anyone help here?
Well The Old Ones sexes are ambiguous. So it could be any of them. He could be the spawn of the great Cthulhu himself. He hides himself in human form. But has anyone ever seen him eat? I believe he devours souls of his listeners.
I also read on the intertubes that Rym is an orangutan that has undergone cerebral enhancement surgery and has several bionic parts installed. I heard he does not need to eat. He has a sack of bacteria installed where his stomach is and the produce "food" for him by absorbing sunlight through his skin cells. Can anyone confirm this?
It's a good idea to search for topics first, though. Thread necromancy is highly encouraged for popular topics rather than having duplicate threads.
*Ehem* Churba will be arriving shortly with your welcoming present.
1. Look at the first post in this thread.
2. Because you created it, you can edit it.
3. Click the edit button.
4. Where it says "Whisper your comments to" type in your own name.
5. Submit the edit.
Please direct all complaints to This guy.
Apparently, unlike the flobots, I cannot keep a beat with no metronome.