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edited September 2010 in Everything Else
I hope that Rym or Scott or any other admin (if there are any) will sticky this.

This thread is for people new to the forum to ask questions about how the forum works or proper procedure of the forum. Or just any other general questions about the forum. It is not for "When will the new episode come out?" or other such queries.

Thank you for your time.

Captain Tim


  • I think it may be an unnecessary thread to sticky, since the "Forum Rules & Hints" thread covers most of it. If you PM just about anyone via the Whisper feature, you'll probably get a good answer. Also, there are so rarely people who ask questions that if you just post and ask one, you'll also likely get a good answer.
    : )
  • Forum Rules and Hints is a closed thread. And it is not 100% clear on how to whisper. I did not know how to whisper till it was explained to me. I mean you need to click on "Start a New Topic" and then put the person's name in the whisper section. How can anyone new know to do that? Also you could whisper someone and they could sign off. This thread would allow multiple people to answer a new person's question quickly.
  • edited September 2010
    You could whisper to someone in a thread to figure out how to whisper a whole thread. There is a box that reads prominently "Whisper your comments to (optional)." Either that, or just raise the question randomly in a thread. We're very derail-friendly here.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2010
    I'm just saying it may help.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • One suggestion is not to make so many new threads...
  • Rym thought it a good idea.
  • Rym thought setting up his own political party would be a good idea.
  • Rym is a shit-talker.
  • Rym thought setting up his own political party would be a good idea.
    You're the greatest, Luke.
  • It needs to be done. How many other forums have one? Many. That is how many. Wow that sounded awkward.
  • Just learn some HTML and use proper grammar and such, heck there are even buttons that will do HTML for you. That is all you really need to know.
  • I guess it's a time-will-tell thing. If the thread is necessary, it'll keep popping up with numerous new people asking questions. If not, it'll just sink off the first couple of pages.
  • Maybe a HTML 101 would help, the online guides are poor at best.
  • One suggestion is not to make so many new threads...
    I echo this times a hundred as I did the very same thing early on much to the ire of many forumites. I would suggest searching for threads instead.
  • People woukldnt have too if there was a noob thread.
  • People woukldnt have too if there was a noob thread.
    In five plus years, you are the only one who has ever had a problem.
  • People woukldnt have too if there was a noob thread.
    In five plus years, you are the only one who has ever had a problem.
    That is a false statement if ever there was one. Look at all of the regular non-FRC people's first posts. Sure not to the same extent as CaptainTim, but to a degree.
  • So far people have just offereded their opoion. No real reasons why it is a bad idea. People may not like it because it does not apply to them. However it is a good idea.
  • So far people have just offereded their opoion. No real reasons why it is a bad idea. People may not like it because it does not apply to them. However it is a good idea.
    Yes, but this is not the solution. Stickying yet another thread clogs up the thread listing and is generally annoying (I think it's a bit too full now anyways). The best solution, which I mentioned before, is to just write up some more advice and post it in the Rules and Hints thread.
  • Tim reminds me a lot of the way Geo was when he first joined the forums: Often overzealous somewhat confrontational.

    Not that much has changed ^_~
  • ......
    edited September 2010
    And it is not 100% clear on how to whisper. I did not know how to whisper till it was explained to me.
    You said yourself that you can't read, so that's understandable. Everyone else will have zero trouble reading and comprehending the message:

    ... at the top of every comment box.
    I mean you need to click on "Start a New Topic" and then put the person's name in the whisper section. How can anyone new know to do that?
    By being used to Vanilla forum software, by not being an utter idiot, by realizing this isn't [insert most frequently used bloated piece of shit forum software], or by reading the Rules & Hints topic telling them to search first, make normal topic later.
    Also you could whisper someone and they could sign off.
    This is a forum, not an instant messaging client. Your life is not in DANGER of ending when your question does NOT get answered in under 100 milliseconds. If you wish to talk directly to someone, use IM.
    This thread would allow multiple people to answer a new person's question quickly.
    It would also clog up the thread listing, it would be rarely used, people can just read the Rules & Hints topic and learn to search. You made this thread so all that you wanted has been done, a thread for new people exists. Now fuck off crying for a sticky, it's not needed.

    EDIT: Also, you're an idiot. Stop being an idiot, it's in the rules.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Tim reminds me a lot of the way Nineless was when he first joined the forums: Often confrontational and somewhat caustic.

    Not that much has changed ^_~
  • >now == past
  • edited September 2010
    I echo this times a hundred as I did the very same thing early on much to the ire of many forumites.
    Heh heh. Didn't you actually get called out on the show for it?

    Good times.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I echo this times a hundred as I did the very same thing early on much to the ire of many forumites.
    Heh heh. Didn't you actually get called outon the showfor it?

    Good times.
    Did I?
  • Did I?
    I'm almost absolutely sure that Rym said something like "Lord Yupa, lay off posting all the threads" or something like that. I'm not gonna go back and try to find it, though. :)
  • I'm almost absolutely sure that Rym said something like "Lord Yupa, lay off posting all the threads" or something like that.
    And so Captaintim's true goal has been revealed.
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