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Scott is the Spawn of The Great Old Ones?

edited September 2010 in Everything Else
So it has come to the attention of the boards that Scott is in fact the star spawn of The Great Old Ones.

He can take human form, but he must subside on a steady diet of souls. Now don't be fooled by seeing him eat "mortal food". This must be done to keep his mortal form alive.

This thread is for speculation on which Old Ones his parents may be, and why in fact he his here. Is he benevolent? Or perhaps he is preparing for total take over and to subjugate our race and use us as food and worshipers.


  • edited September 2010
    I once heard from somebody who heard it from this guy that Scott consumed the souls of a million babies for supper. Then he played Counter Strike and went to bed. True story.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I once aggro'd a drunk cross-player on Scott at Anime Boston. All I know is that I saw him smiling the next day, and I never saw the person again that entire con.
  • I once heard that Scott is really Malcolm McDowell in disguise.
  • I once heard he has no reproductive organs, and he simply remove a limb to create a clone of himself.
  • I heard that Rym is his High Priest. He is in charge of bringing sacrifices.
  • I heard that he does not wear clothes, but instead, forms clothes out of his own body as a low-level shape-shifting ability.
  • I heard that he does not wear clothes, but instead, forms clothes out of his own body as a low-level shape-shifting ability.
    Rym or Scott?
  • I heard that he does not wear clothes, but instead, forms clothes out of his own body as a low-level shape-shifting ability.
    Rym or Scott?
    Well, it's been established that Rym doesn't wear pants, but that's a different matter entirely. I believe that it is the eldritch horror known to us as "Scott" that forms his clothes.
  • Scott:
    I heard that he does not wear clothes, but instead, forms clothes out of his own body as a low-level shape-shifting ability.
    I heard that he does not wear clothes
  • The evidence against Scott keeps pilling up. On Thursday August 27 I was in the city. To protect Scott’s anonymity I will not reveal the exact location, I will revel what I witnessed. This has left me scared for life.
    Thursday August 27th 2010 started out as any normal day. I got up, showered and had a delicious heart attack educing Sausage, Bacon, Taylor Ham and double egg and cheese with salt, pepper, ketchup with a liberal dash of hot sauce on an everything bagel. What was different about this morning was I had business in New York City.
    My travel to and arrival to the City was pretty uneventful. Unless you count a bum defecating (it was very, very runny) on the laps of several bus passengers (yes I am from New Jersey, a non smell part I must add. Let the jokes commence). I arrived at Grand Central Station at 11:45 am. From there I had several errands to run. I had to bring medical records to 5ndifferent offices for my mother.
    Next I ate a dirty water dog. (Don’t mock me! They taste fantastic! Also I live in NJ have built up immunity to toxins. Hell many parts of “The Toxic Avenger” were filmed less the 8 minuets from my humble abode.)
    China Town was my next stop. Formerly know as Little Italy. I was in search of a copy of Durarara (DAMN YOU BASTARDS! You got me hooked. I know I can watch it on Crunchy Roll, but it is not the same. Perhaps it was my poor luck, or my lack of knowledge of where to look, but I was unable to find a copy. I am willing to trade if anyone is so interested.)
    I spent several hours wandering this great city when I stumbled on something that I shall never, never forget. It is burned into my mind. I believe I will have nightmares for as long as I live.
    As I was walking the streets (to protect Scott’s privacy I will not disclose the location, but 3 Starbuck, 2 Jamba Juices and 5 McD’s were within 4 blocks of each other) I saw Scott helping an old (80 something) woman and her grand or great grandson (about 4-6) across the street.

    I thought it strange that there were no other people around. In a city with an average population of 8,363,710 you would figure there would be at least 3 people waiting at each corner. Yet there wasn’t. In fact now that I think of it there were no cars or any other kind of vehicles to be seen...
    Anyway I followed Scott, the Old Woman and the child for about 5 blocks ( I just so happened to be going that way anyway) Still I have yet to see a single other soul be it a walking person or in some someone sort of vehicle. At the 5th block, it was a particular dark all with many, many steam vents. This created a very ominous atmosphere. Scott then leaned back and punched this octogenarian bitch upside the head and quickly cuffed the child behind the ear so he passed the fuck out. He dragged their knocked out bodies down an abandoned alley. I am lucky enough to have been a half a block behind them so I was unnoticed. Quickly I sprinted the distance and up to the alley to see if I could help. But by then it was too late.
    The child lay in a pile of filth from a Tai restaurant. A large brown rat nibbled at his left nostril, I felt a feeling of dread, insanity and fear slowly creeping over me. So I hid behind a large green dumpster.
    I had to choke back vomit as Scott already had the blouse open of the woman. Her veiny drooping wrinkled breasts. Minuets seemed like hours. I wanted to scream. I felt a force in my mind that was not mine one, it was alien, strange and utterly fearful. I felt as if my brain had been invaded by a presence. My mind was on fire strange thoughts raced through my head. I wanted to cause physical harm to myself and to others. But not only to others, but the greatest numbered of others in the most horrific way possible.. I wanted to take out the entire planet by removing their kidneys through their nostrils if possible. Yet I was rooted to the spot. I could not move. And nothing could prepare me for what would happen next.
    As I said the woman’s blouse was open. Scott had spoken to her and she removed it, the sounds that came out of his mouth haunts my dreams to this day. It was as if hearing the devil speak. That creature had something to fear and then that creature’s worst nightmare came to life. Scott did not speak its language I knew, yet I knew what it meant. It was the language of terror. Of fear. Of insanity. It caused people to do things, efil tj

    So this old broad removes her blouse at Scott’s orders. I mean I can’t understand a word he say, it sounds as if 3 people are speaking at once my mind and each a different language. I did not understand but my heart and mind was full of fear at the same time and through this I knew exactly what he meant.
    My eyes must be playing tricks on me. For from Scott’s back, bat wings grew. And not some tiny shit. The wing span must be 9 feet. They are black and leathery. Then his head transformed. The only way to describe it is where his mouth should be sprouts some octopus or squid shit. I am not kidding. This is real
    Now to make things seem even more like I belong in loony bin. Scott put his hands together as if he was going to prey. From between his hands came a red light. He stretched his hands about shoulder with apart. From this light emerged magical highly detailed straw/flute like. From the distance I was I was able to see detailed runes that b beheaded human sacrificed and various scenes of Necrophilia. Again Scott said several minuets of the language that filled me with dread. He then took the flute/straw tool and plunged it into the bare torso of the octogenarian. He proceeded to drink all the fluid.
    At this time the child began to stir. Scott dislocated his jaw and split it, ala “Blade 2”. Then aq4 foot long prehensile forked tounge emerged. Slowly this wrapped the childs throat chocling him into unc9ndshince.
    He bit the child into 3 pieces. With each piece he said a dark prayer.

    Then the tongue wrapped around the waist of the y0ungster. Scott first pulled the child into his mouth by dislocating his jaw even more. Gore and ichors spilled out. After many minuets of chewing he swallowed and proceeded to the lower half corpse, of coursed not before giving praise and glory to himself.
    Scott ad finished an entire meal. He would not need to eat for 3 weeks.
  • I like you, new guy. You gave me an excuse to write about Malcolm Mcdowell.
  • I like you, new guy. You gave me an excuse to write about Malcolm McDowell.
    Firstly you never ever need an excuse to write about Malcolm (we are on a first name basis). Secondly I did nothing. The Robotic African American Lord Jesus Christ acted through me. He provided you with the material to write.
  • he Robotic African American Lord Jesus Christ acted through me.
    I like love you, new guy.
  • If you play any episode of Geek Nights backwards, every single thing Scott says is "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn". Strangely enough everything Rym says backwards is teleplays of The A-Team episodes. Now to make this work yourself you must convert the MP3 files into Vinyl records and then play that backwards.
  • I can't help but feel like you're trying too hard to be liked around here, Tim.
  • If you play any episode of Geek Nights backwards, every single thing Scott says is "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn". Strangely enough everything Rym says backwards is teleplays of The A-Team episodes. Now to make this work yourself you must convert the MP3 files into Vinyl records and then play that backwards.
    Mmmmyeah, I'm just not too sure about that.
  • I can't help but feel like you're trying too hard to be liked around here, Tim.
    You are entitled to your own opinion.
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