Do a search for "even though Bush showed the single largest deficit increase in any presidential reign, Republicans still think they can play the 'fiscal conservative' card."
Referring to TARP? That money has mostly been paid back (with interest) by those that borrowed it. If we can only get the current administration to honor the part about paying it back to the treasury...
Can I just mention that one of the reasons the budget looks crazy under Obama compared to Bush is he kept the wars off the budget...
Can I mention if we didn't cut taxes during the Bush years "Clinton's surplus should go back to the people LOLZ!" we would have had money to flood back into the economy when the recession happened. (which is what you truly do in Keynesian economics if you want it to work properly. (save money in the boom times and spend in the lean times)
What about Medicare Part D? How was that paid for? Or the two wars? If I recall correctly it's the first time in US history that we went to war and did not raise taxes to pay for it.
I would like to see a chart of other administration's long term budget projections and the actual long term budget numbers. What I get from the mini chart is that long term budget projections are nothing more than BS.
I would like to see a chart of other administration's long term budget projections and the actual long term budget numbers. What I get from the mini chart is that long term budget projections are nothing more than BS.
It's probably going to be difficult to find those numbers since everything pre-bush is pre-crazy awesome internet.. but I'll try.
Even more interesting is that Democrat President + Republican Congress = budget win!1
Maybe, though arguably some of the worst bills that ended up hurting us as a country came out of that time (I.E. NAFTA, Don't ask don't tell, A bunch of banking rules that made quick profit but ended up screwing us in the end). As much as people want to blame congress and the president (republican or democrat) the economy is much more a factor of whether there will be a big deficit or surplus (that and how many wars/police actions we are conducting).
Here's an interesting article in Psychology Today. It is possible the base political ideology of a person is formed from more fundamental personality traits at a very early age.
I wonder how much of this is, like religion, learned behavior?
Consider that I was raised in a Methodist family with both my parents being Democrats and today I am a Zen Buddhist Republican, it can be any number of factors.
This thread is not what I wanted. I wanted to see children dressed as extremist stereotypes fighting to the death. Is that too much to ask? I mean, this is the inter-tubes, isn't it?
How do you deal with the crazy religious republicans on your side? the same way I ignore the crazy woo-filled Hippies?
Mostly with reason. I tell them that if they want to truly defend the constitution, remind them of the whole 'freedom of religion' thing. Oddly enough our local Republican group has very few crazies, this is a farming community, so while Christianity is prevalent, they also believe in personal freedoms and self-determination.
Can I mention if we didn't cut taxes during the Bush years "Clinton's surplus should go back to the people LOLZ!" we would have had money to flood back into the economy when the recession happened. (which is what you truly do in Keynesian economics if you want it to work properly. (save money in the boom times and spend in the lean times)
*hopes that the economy picks up
I thought this was interesting. Apparently the 80's sucked.. but most of us knew that.
I am disappoint. ;_;
Here you go.
BONUS - It's a Jewish household.