I got this for my birthday. It does actually make a bit of sence for someone who goes to LAN parties. I'm also just a novelty addict.
Anyone else have interesting add-ons?
So smokey. How's that slow suicide and complete lack of willpower coming along?
But it's true, Front Row Crew generally frowns upon Smoking.
You can see it in this picture
(kicks soap box out from under Scott)
Loz, I've seen those keyboards. How do you like it?
I've seen those keyboards, they're ok. Have you programmed it to do anything cool? Personally I use theHHKand I'll never go back.
Yeah, I've downloaded a couple cool mods to display teamspeak information, counterstrike information, bandwidth usage, Itunes, CPU & RAM usage, and WoW information (sorry Scott) I also made quite a cool program, it just displays your local IP address and has the FireFox logo and slogan, nothing big. Yeah, its really nice (providing you have a large desk to keep it on) the keys are nice and large too, so you don't end up pressing two buttons at once. The keys also have a nice 'clicky' feel which appears to be a matter of personal preference, but i prefer them like that. The lights aren't particullary bright, but in the dark they stand out. It has quite a useful slider-button for gaming that locks the windows key, so if you press it instead of ctrl it doesnt minimise your screen. The macro keys work very well, but i haven't found too many uses for them apart from typing common chat phrases for me.
Anyhow, Smoking is quite possibly the stupidest thing you can do besides just eating fried foods and drinking gallons of alcohol a day. I mean at least one glass of wine a day seems to have health benefits. People who smoke seem to say it relaxes them or helps them lose weight when all the ex-smokers I've talked to said that was completely false since after they quit smoking they found themselves more relaxed and tending to enjoy eating more since they could actually taste it better. Plus exercise for what it's worth helps with both of these things plus most likely will help you have a healthier life instead of a crapper life. The cigarette companies have been steadily raising the level of nicotine in Cigarettes for the last couple years! I wonder why that is.
Anyone who smokes has a -50 in my book, to get beyond that you have to be an exceptional person, Quite frankly generally people who smoke have other negative character weaknesses as well.
At the very least, smoke a pipe (at least you'll look cool and it might not smell as bad) or Pot because at least you'll get something out of it. But damn it every-time I see a teen smoking I want to slap them in the face. They think they are all adult when really they just look stupid.
I really hope Philadelphia passes that anti-smoking bill, you can't believe how nice it is going out in New Jersey! (even though I feel it's a choice thing, it's my own hypocrisy.
God, nothings worse then meeting a cute girl and seeing her light up a cig. UGH!
There, now I'm off topic as well!
Anyhow, Smoking is........... There, now I'm off topic as well!"
This is what I saw. I don't know if there is something wrong w/ my monitor or if you misstyped. Dunno. Oh, well.
(flick) (puff) (puff)