I looked thought the music related topics and i couldn't find that really fit this so i made one. Please forgive me if i missed the topic that would fall under.
So some of you may or may not know that i have a business. Here's the website: www.cheekyads.com if you want to check it out. Basically i am trying to make some videos which will be a combination of clips of vids and photos for my biz. Problem is i need some backround music. I don't want to have to deal with licensing issues so i am looking for some oringinal music from up and coming artists. I am looking for something upbeat: techno/ electric / dance type tracks.
I am hoping to do a use for publicity thing since it will be on all my sites (main website, FB, Myspace, Youtube) but also it will be used at events and in videos for presenting to clients. Also at the end of every video it will link back to the artist and i'll basically plug a link back to you anywhere i mention your work. But i am open to discussion on the matter.
Please help! Thank you!