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Fermilab, the Tevatron, and Linux

edited January 2011 in Everything Else
Here are two articles about how the particle accelerator just outside Chicago (which is to be shut down after the 2011 runs) fell in love with Linux.


  • I mean Batavia, not Chicago.
  • Fermilab! Illinois represent.
  • Fermilab! Illinois represent.
    O'rly? I just applied for a travel grant to go there this summer.
  • It's only about 45 minutes away from both the city and my childhood home.
  • Ha ha - if you're in the area - go pay a visit! I'm sure they would love to show peeps around. :D
  • I'm going to a conference that is hosted at Fermilab, so I'm sure a tour of the facilities is included. Are there any noteworthy sightseeing destinations around there? Is Chicago worth a day trip?
  • Is Chicago worth a day trip?
    Yeah, Chicago is pretty good.
  • I've been to Chicago once before, and a visit to the CBD is definitely worth it. Loads of history, loads to see, and loads of blues clubs, if you're into those sorts of things ;)
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