PAX East was a blast! I'm sure everyone here who was able to go will agree with me. I got to see so many things, play lots of boardgames, and even got a chance to meet Rym and Scott! I wanted to thank you guys for inviting my friend and I to play games with you on Saturday evening. I actually had my doubts about Bananagrams... but of course I was wrong! Also, I wanted to ask you guys what the name of the other game we played. It consisted of circular cards with pictures on them and if you found a picture on your card that matched the card in the middle, you would shout out that item and place your card in the middle. You also referenced the game as a "baby game".
Anybody want to post their PAX East adventures or thoughts here?
I just miss hanging out with people on the forum, especially the females. Nuri/Lyddi/Ro drinking girl talk time 4ever!
I just miss hanging out with people on the forum, especially the females. Nuri/Lyddi/Ro drinking girl talk time 4ever!
That's it! Thanks! I especially loved playing the ass-hole version =P
Dammit, I miss PAX East. Thanks to going home for spring break, I've had basically no human contact since Monday.
So, not only do you need to process matches in order to win, you need to get matches with the correct player.
All you people who are hesitant to sit down at the table, what can we do to trick, er, encourage you to try out new tabletop games?
When I pitch Danger Patrol to someone, I often say something like, "Actually, I dunno. It's pretty dangerous. Are you sure you can handle it?" Something to that effect. Gently rib someone once you've got their attention. It's like setting the hook when you're fishing. Present the bait, then drive it home.
Step one is to chat with them. Make the conversation about them. Find out a little about what they like. This should take 20 - 30 seconds at the most. Next is to figure out how best to pitch the game to them. Some people are going to be hooked more readily by the theme of the game, and some people will be more readily hooked by mechanics. You need to figure out which type of person they are and pitch accordingly.
The next step is to get them to play. If they're still there, I like to change my tone subtly to one that implies that they've already agreed to play. Most people have a hard time walking away from a situation like that. Maybe you hand them some pieces for demonstration purposes, have them move some things around the board. Then, you sit down with everyone else and say "OK, let's get playing."
Once that's done, you have new players.
The real key is to not make your pitch too aggressive. You either come on too strong or not at all, and that's a problem. Rym can be a little overwhelming, but he's pretty good at getting people to do things.