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PAX Prime 2011



  • I'll be attending as well.
  • Roll call! Who will be attending? I know for sure that it will be Rym, Scott, myself, Matt, and Dromaro (David).
    I'm reluctant to say I will definitely be there. Right now the work calendar has me needing to be in Hawaii from 23-25th and Seattle from 29-30th, so they will definitely approve me staying out at whichever location I want inbetween (opting to go to Seattle for a weekend instead of staying in Hawaii will get strange looks I'm sure lol). It's just a matter of making sure neither of those trips wind up moving though, as these schedules are notoriously fickle!
  • I wouldn't look at you strangely. Going to Hawaii during the summer is ridonculous. It's so humid and hot. Best times to go is fall and spring. It's pretty there, but with the weather in the summer, it's just too much.
  • I'll be there, as usual. I'm going to try to make board games a bigger focus this year since I've come to realize in the last four years of attending that aside from the opening and closing events, and GeekNights stuff, the panels are pretty meh, and the expo hall seems to have less and less to see each year. Hopefully I'll be able to see most of the people I know that are going too, since there's going to be 30-40 of them.
  • I'll be representing Finland and bring salty licorice.
  • I'll be there (and speaking about Minecraft again, though I haven't been given a schedule yet, so I'm not sure when).
  • I'm currently in the process of trying to find a relatively easy way to obatin a case (24 pack) of Bawls. I don't want to order online because the shipping it at least $20. I'm calling local stores from the Bawls website to see if they can order case from me.
  • There is a store near'ish to me that I can pick it up from. Wanna splits or just buy it off me if you have no success?
  • There is a store near'ish to me that I can pick it up from. Wanna splits or just buy it off me if you have no success?
    I don't want to impose on you lugging it from Cali, but I'll use that as a last resort. I do have a store near me that sells them. I'll be inquiring how much it costs to order a case. I kind of want to try the Cherry flavored ones, but they more than likely can only get the regular. Thanks.
  • Ain't no thang, sistah friend. :-p
  • I'm looking forward to the possibility of flying solo at a PAX. The previously 3 I've been to, I've had to act as the "PAX Sherpa" for friends and family, most of which were not as into PAX as I was. Also at the same time, it's a rare opportunity to gather the writers for the different blogs I write for (GeekDad, MTV Geek, MDP) or hang out with forum people. It's just too many social circles to bounce back and forth between in the span of 3 days unless you're solo and can be super flexible with your schedule.
  • Ain't no thang, sistah friend. :-p
    Well my local grocery store offers the normal and root beer flavors. They will get back to me tomorrow about ordering sugar free or cherry.

    If anyone is interested they can give me $1.50 a bottle because I'm sure I won't be consuming that much over the weekend.
  • Now you need a Bawls bandolier
  • edited August 2011
    Now you need a Bawls bandolier
    As much as I love coffee, it wasn't doing a damn thing for me at East. Gotta call in the big guns or big Bawls for that matter. :P

    Edit: Jeremy and I will be bringing a medium sized roll-away luggage case filled with games.

    We recently acquired Puzzle Strike (Jeremy's upcoming birthday present this weekend), Shazamm!, and 7 Wonders. Jeremy will more than likely be picking up Nightfall by PAX as well. I've heard good things.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Gotta call in the big guns or big Bawls for that matter
  • I'll be there as an Enforcer, in my kilt, if you see me please stop me and say hello!
  • I'll be there as an Enforcerbeing awesome, in my kilt, if you see me please stop me and say hello!
    Now you need a Bawls bandolier
    We recently acquired Puzzle Strike (Jeremy's upcoming birthday present this weekend), Shazamm!, and 7 Wonders. Jeremy will more than likely be picking up Nightfall by PAX as well. I've heard good things.
    Ro, you will enjoy both of those games as they are doing good things within the deckbuilding sub-genre (although they kinda both do scratch the same itch: deckbuilding with heavy player interaction). I think I like Puzzle Strike more but it's a tough call.
  • I'll be there as an Enforcer, in my kilt, if you see me please stop me and say hello!
    Aww shit son. We should hook up for dinner and drinks if we can.
  • I'll be there as an Enforcer, in my kilt, if you see me please stop me and say hello!
    Aww shit son. We should hook up for dinner and drinks if we can.
    Kilt party?
  • My intention is to acquire a kilt as part of my Thursday Pre-PAX shenanigans. Now, this is assuming I can be fitted there or if I have to wait for a custom job. Go kilts! Other Pre-PAX shenanigans? Alcohol and games. Is anything more really needed? BTW, Rym, what's the correct way to inquire about assisting in the workshop area? Email you?
  • Borderlands 2 playable at PAX. Guess I should play the first one to be somewhat excited.
  • Borderlands 2 playable at PAX. Guess I should play the first one to be somewhat excited.
    Wanna start on that this weekend? We should both level up a new character to like 10 single-player first (to get past the MOST boring parts) and then hit the co-op.
  • Wanna start on that this weekend? We should both level up a new character to like 10 single-player first (to get past the MOST boring parts) and then hit the co-op.
    I will be busy this Saturday for Jeremy's nameday party. Perhaps Sunday.
  • I just didn't know if you guys had Cata or not. Just offering. :-p If you have it already, that does you no good. I *may* have a Deathy code (from the Cata Collectors Edition) but I'd have to check my spreadsheet at home. What aboot that?
  • The wife and I were chatting about PAX East today since PAX is on the brain. I know I was extolling the benefits of flying solo earlier, but there will be some cool perks of going to East as a family:

    - Strollers have incredible storage for board games underneath.
    - Baby cosplay
  • You're gonna be one of those guys who dresses up their kid? I love/hate you. I feel bad for them, but it's also adorable.
  • You're gonna be one of those guys who dresses up their kid? I love/hate you. I feel bad for them, but it's also adorable.
    Like that's a bad thing. Kids are meant to be dressed cute. They don't know any better!

  • You're gonna be one of those guys who dresses up their kid? I love/hate you. I feel bad for them, but it's also adorable.
    Like that's a bad thing. Kids are meant to be dressed cute. They don't know any better!

    OMG! I want to marry an Asian woman now so I can have an adorable half Asian baby girl and dress her like mini Chun Li! ^__^ CUTE OVERLOAD!
  • Yes, they're meant to be dressed up, but cosplay is about having a love of the character. I have to wonder if the adorable kids dressed as A:TLA characters from an Otakon 2009 or 2010 (I don't remember which) really liked A:TLA that much that they would choose to dress up like them. I loved dressing in costumes when I was little, but not everyone does.
  • Parenthood is about torturing your children for personal satisfaction.
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