Say Something Nice About Omnutia
Admit it, it's what you all really want. This way you don't have to wait for me to post in the "Say Something Nice About The Poster Above You" thread, only to be frustrated when someone else manages to compliment me ahead of you.
Seriously though, you're a damn cool dude.
I truly respect that you came from an unusual family, and that you were able to rise beyond your upbringing to reach your maximum potential. I know you were apprehensive about jumping into your career at first, but with proper guidance, you were finally able to pursue your destiny (and trust me, you've definitely accomplished what you were destined to do). You're masterful with your hands, and you truly utilize that mastery in the career you chose. Honestly, your displays of dexterity are quite the sights to see!
You really are a hero, Luke. You really are.