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Tonight on GeekNights, we consider the fate of Europe with the classic Diplomacy. (For the record, our game ended with an all-way draw over five hours in). But first, we checked out the NYU Game Center's second annual No Quarter exhibit, Nintendo hates us, and we geekbite Space Chem.
Almost as chilling as how long that sentence became, in fact.
You might need people to call in about the UFOs after the fact to make it seem realistic, such that not everyone who saw them was instantly able to get in touch, neither were the aliens so well synchronised.
So assuming I want a 3DS at some point, I'll need to import a UDS 3DS then get all my games from overseas. DAMN IT!!
Also, you *may* have missed a small detail about the Wii2. Yeah, it will probably have 8GB internal flash. But... You do know the rumoured name of the system is "Stream" right? Is there any chance that Nintendo could be using that storage space to allow you to basically pick a game from an online list and just start playing it, streaming the data as you play?
Yes, Stream most likely refers to streaming the data to that screen in the controller.. But who knows... They console IS brand new, so it could use new gaming/play models. Like On Live. The Wii version of that.
I too would buy a 3DS for Advance wars.
Of course, we also played it over a month, so there was no problem about "fifteen minutes of downtime and then we'll start again". Two of my favorite memories of high school were:
-Managing to avoid war between the US and Germany through out-of-game intimidation. I agreed to help secure Cuba in exchange for land rights in Panama (score!), and then never received my reward. A face to face confrontation nabbed me the Panama Canal as well as $10 every 5 years. To this day, I attribute that success to him being a foot shorter than me.
-Discovering a secret agreement between Russia and the United States that threatened all of Europe, and assembling an emergency coalition during English class. The Treaty of Mrs. Dobbins' Room ended up being one of my most celebrated achievements, and prevented a schism which may have started the war before the turn of the century, guaranteeing victory to the treacherous Japanese.
When you have played more games of Diplomacy you will likely have far different opinions of the countries.