King Arthur's Gold: The incestuous child of Ace of Spades and Terraria

King Arthur's Gold is a competitive
Minecraft Ace of Spades Terraria clone buildy breaky game where two teams vie to horde the most gold. Each team tries to mine and protect their gold from the other team's knights and archers. It's
FREE, has Linux dedicated servers, and Linux/Windows clients. So, who is interested in getting a game night going with this?
32 64 person multiplayer (although, who knows how well the netcode works, Scott).
As for the game, I played a couple of rounds the other day, and it seemed broken that the opposing team could just build a skybridge out of ladders and drop from the top of the map straight into the enemy home base. They need to implement falling damage ASAP.
Basically in the current state it's kinda like playing 2d platform side view Starcraft without a commander. Everyone controls just one unit and can change between the three unit types at base. To make the game work you need lots of players. Then some people basically have to do the job of SCVs. Boring manual labor of just digging up gold. Everyone else has to play a game of fighting with swords, arrows, and bombs in order to defend the gold diggers. And to build stuff you break up the environment, sort of a cross between Minecraft and collecting gas/ore.
No interest in doing any of the gold collecting manual labor.
Isn't gold hoarding just CTF with lots of flags that have to be mined?
Also CTF