I just got back from seeing Super 8 with a friend.
I will wait to post a real review with spoilers whited out till tomorrow.
It is just to late to try and process it all now and be coherent while being entertaining.
I will say this though. If Micheal Bay went to see this movie he would get a giant erection and then he would try to sue JJ Abrams for stealing his idea of using crazy ass giant explosions BAYSPLOSIONS (patent pending) and doing it way better. and not being a fucking moron and using them correctly and realistically and just goddamn fucking better in every conceivable way.
My grammar and spelling skills surpassed your current abilities when I was in 3rd grade. Your post is painful to read and reads like a toddler stringing together a sentence.
//Bad spellers of the world untie.
///Seriously though use the spell-check option.
While the basic storyline is nothing new, I think what shined the most in this movie was the dialogue and acting of the young teenagers. There was a small scene where they are in the diner talking about the train wreck, and the conversations are all over the place. It really stuck out because it reminded me of the sorts of conversations I would have when I was that age.
While the certain characters of the group didn't stick out as much, the main 4 of the group were highly entertaining. Charles was quite possibly my favorite character of the whole bunch.
I want to say more, but I have to do other things. Oh, also stay during the credits. It was high quality.
Perhaps I'll finally stop shit talking and do a review for Jason so he can post it in the Simply Syndicated blog. (No promises.)
Jeremy said it was as if J.J. Abrams made a story doing somewhat of an homage to Spielberg with him working on it as well.
What spelling mistakes are in there? According to the spell check that is provided there are none. As for any grammar mistakes I said pretty much admitted that there could be some in that post. I hope that you feel like you have a giant English major penis. I also think you are cool and handsome, I bet that making fun of my post got you tons of friends. Perhaps you should just go back to lurking and not posting. Oh and where are you from? You say "3rd grade", but you spell favorite with an extra letter there boy. Canadians say "grade 3" and people of the empire say "'third form". Either you are posing and adding a u to words that do not need them to look cool, or you are conforming to an American expression because you are on an American site. If it is that later then why not conform all the way and drop that extra u bullshit.
I'm so sorry that manual labour inhibits your ability to write. I myself did 6 hours of surgery and 4 hours of consults yet can still form coherent sentences. I myself posted my comment at 1:50 am my time yesterday. I'm sorry that both manual labour and mismanagement of time combine to impair your abilities to such an extreme. I assumed my spelling was better at a younger age just from your grammatical ineptitude. I don't think there "could have been" grammatical mistakes, the mistakes are quite obvious. Unfortunately I'm not English and I am under no disillusion of the size of my genitalia especially with my Asian descent. Thanks for the kind words, but I highly doubt I could form instantaneous friendships over pointing out the obvious. Perhaps I might not continue to post in the forum but apart from you everybody seems to be able to write respectfully and intelligently. I was informed on the podcast that the forums had started up with some more vitality and that I should check it out. I use to post quite regularly but I was unable to do that when I was working in an Emergency Clinic. If you feel threatened by my presence maybe you should approach the forum moderators and have me banned. I would more than understand in that situation as I must have deeply hurt you. I'm from Australia. We refer to levels in Primary school as grades. I am sorry that I do not use Webster's Dictionary and that I have studied with words form the Oxford Dictionary for 18 years. I am not sure what "empire" you speak of, is that the one that Lord Vader once commanded?
I am sorry that you have only been raised and experienced life within one country, it explains the xenophobic undertone and your confusion.
Oh look, you actually can't spell either; I believe you meant to spell "later" as "latter" in that context but that is just my non-American comprehension. I believe in your eyes it must be quite poor compared to the American equivalent (no matter how incorrect).
Hope you have a great day gardening and hopefully you don't strain yourself physically again or mentally by reading this post.
Respect minus minus, dude.
The density and weight of a brain does not increase with how "smart" someone is. Animals which have found to be "smarter" or lead more complex lives tend to have a greater total surface area.
Is there any reason that the thread for this movie isn't being discussed in the "Movies you have seen" thread?
Wolfman's got nards!
Have your arguments, but don't insult an entire profession just to make a point in a stupid internet dick-measuring contest.
Holy hell man.