RIAA/MIAA = welcome your new content overlords.
Well, they're trying anyhow. Check out what the wacko politician from Oregon is helping to try and put into motion.
If you were ever looking to invent anything that carried audio or video content, just give up. :P
Eventually the "sink or swim" idea is going to come into effect. If your business can't keep up with the times and can't cut it, you sink. These crap laws are just last-ditch efforts at throwing out a lifeboat. But really, it's just too late. No matter how much money they line this senator's pockets with, they can't stop the masses of people who already know the RIAA has jumped the shark.
"Customary historic use" my ass!
A product should stand on its own. If it needs a law to continue being profitable, it's no longer a marketable product.