I figure there are probably people like me with geeky shit to sell, so why not sell/trade with each other?
I've got some extra Sega Genesis's, n64's and other consoles I'd sell. And I picked up a sealed Settlers of Catan 3rd edition on the cheap a few weeks ago that I'd sell.
Who's with me?
I'm looking for a copy of Earthbound that's not ridiculously price-gouged (eBay carts go for $100+, but the cart itself is actually fairly common, and its "rarity" is largely manufactured); if anyone reading this has one and would like $50 or a few 360 games for it, whisper me. I'm probably willing to negotiate.
Been meaning to put on the eBay, but anybody here with a love for PCEngine can get first dibs. I was thinking eBay might get me $40 for TG16, $40 for TGEx, and maybe $30 for all the games combined.
EDIT: Sold to Neito for the price of getting it off my hands. I might have gotten $5 over shipping on eBay for it, so meh.
System is probably worth $50ish on eBay. No idea about the games.
I should probably hook it up to nuke the HD of non-system stuff and test the system.
EDIT: Damn you Neito! *shakes fist*
I've got a Super FC loader Famiclone unopened if anyones interested. Its not the fanciest one out there but I have another one and It works great. The only real downside is that it uses generic serial ports for controllers so you can't use regular controllers on it. Otherwise its fine. And without the adapter it comes with its just a famicom so if you just want it for that its not bad at all. I'm thinking maybe $25
Other consoles;
sega genesis (models 1 and 2)
Original Gameboy
If anyone needs any extra sega or nintendo controllers, or N64 memory cards I've got plenty.
(Spoilers: it's basically stratego)