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  • Not having to have it open in a separate pinned tab is nice. I just look over at Gmail and it tells me if there's anything going on in the corner.

    Could probably get extensions but pinned tabs work well enough.
  • Yeah, I also like the topbar integration.

    I think circles are going to make it a lot easier to pay attention to/look at output from the groups I care about. With one click I can see what group X, Y or all of them are up to. We've been talking about circles being comparable to lists in terms of who you output to, but until I tried it I hadn't thought of how great it is for filtering who you are seeing output from. I hate the Facebook news/recent feed because it's totally unsorted (and blocking/unfriending people entirely is a clunky way to deal with it).

    For those of you not in yet, be aware that it does not email or otherwise notify you when you're invited. If you've been invited, you simply have a different experience when you visit while signed in to your Google account. There are a few boxes asking for information and a Join button, instead of the "We're full" message.
  • I have broken through into the Google+ Universe.

    ...Okay, what now?
  • Right now it feels like it's the first day of school, and I got there 45 minutes before my friends and I'm glad I brought a book.
  • I have broken through into the Google+ Universe.

    ...Okay, what now?
    invite me!
  • invite me!
    I have no idea how. ;_;
  • Rumor has it that anybody with a Google account can now get in.
  • I can prove that rumor false; as I have a Google account and can't get in.
  • I was finally able to get in. I have Joe and Howard added to my FRC circle. I'm not sure who you all are on here though I assume one ProfPangloss. Thanks for the invite.
  • edited July 2011
    *sits on the corner of cool and catastrophe, holding a hat out* Google+ invitation? Anyone wanna donate a Google+ invitation? I'll write a song for you for a invite...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited July 2011
    So I've been trying this out for the last 5 days or so. I like that the relationship between who you add in your circles and who adds you. If you add someone and they don't add you, anything you share with them will not show up in their main flow. It will show up in their "incoming" stream instead. This means that by default, when you go to your stream, you only see the content from people you have added. And since you do not need to add people for them to add you, you can leave your mother in law out of your circles, she can add you to hers, and you'll never be bothered by her stupid BS unless you willingly go to the "incoming" stream. You don't have to deal with the social fallout of "not friending" someone (as was alluded to earlier). Basically you can have your cake and eat it too!

    In addition, the public feature allows more famous people to treat G+ like twitter. I have Felicia Day in my "following" circle, for instance. Everything she posts to "public" will wind up on my main stream. It didn't require her to friend me or add me to her circles for any reason. Anything I send to my circles will show up on her "incoming" stream, but not her main stream. In addition, the implementation of re-sharing is well done. My friend on G+ is following Tom Anderson (creator of MySpace). Tom posted a very insightful post about G+ vs. Facebook. My friend saw it, thought his friends would enjoy it, so he hit "share" and shared it with his circles. I saw it on my stream as "Matt xxxx - Originally Shared by Tom Anderson." It keeps the reader aware of the original poster and every time someone re-shares a piece of content, they start their own thread on their own "wall" that their friends in their circles can comment on. This is a really elegant system, and I'm having a great time with it so far :)

    My only question is: why are you allowed to "+1" your own posts? I never understood why facebook allowed you to "like" your own posts. Then people made some weird taboo about it, like you're some egotistical asshole if you "like" your own post. If you didn't like your post, why the hell would you write it?
    Post edited by Bridger on
  • Anyone wanna donate a Google+ invitation? I'll write a song for you for a invite...
    Yes, this! If you invite to Google+, Sonic will write you a song!
  • Anyone wanna donate a Google+ invitation? I'll write a song for you for a invite...
    Yes, this! If you invite to Google+, Sonic will write you a song!
    Doesn't quite work like that....
  • <<~~~ Howard
  • Actually, that's just white space. Are you feeling okay? Not sick today?
  • <<~~~ Howard</p>
    Ahh okay that's quite a impressive mustache you got there.
  • Why thank you sir! There's this strange thing around where where crazy facial hair is all the rage. But they're mostly into beards. I grow mine out every winter to help keep my face warm. I thought to keep the facial hair but its much too warm for a beard now, way too warm!
  • I grow mine out every winter to help keep my face warm.
    Every time I shave even the smallest of noticeable beardhair off, my chin feels bare and cold. In summer, just keep it short.
  • Zehaeva, I got confused by this Howard character because "Zehava" is a moderately Jewish common girl's name. I assumed you were a girl whose parents had spelled her name weirdly.
  • There are no girls on the internet.
  • There are no girls on the internet.
    What happened to LiveJournal anyway?
  • It is a girls name! There's a long story behind why I use it as is though. I didn't find out it's a girls name until I had been using for a few years though. Short version is that it's the name of a male character in a book I really love, Dragon Prince. I added the ae because I really did that character and I found that the name is so unique I haven't found one instance on the internet of anyone using it other than me. So it became really easy to just keep using it.
  • There are no girls on the internet.
    What happened to LiveJournal anyway?
  • I exist!
    >pony avatar
    >put in trash circle
  • Apparently I have invites again, I sent them out to everyone who isn't on G+ that expressed interest to me already. I hope they all got out!
  • edited July 2011
    >Sonic done
    >Thane done
    >Viga done
    >WhaleShark done
    >Günter done
    >Grey done
    >Justin Vela done
    >Joan Locke done
    >ProcessBlue (Timo?) done
    I've missed a bunch of people asking in the thread. Might dig through and invite if the invites window last that long.

    EDIT: Went through thread and added these as well. Neito's already in though, I think. But the rest was not yet in lists. (removed everything after the @ because lol spambots)
    Josh Bustillos
    Joshua Mermelstein
    Nathan Malynn
    Post edited by Not nine on
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