Well, he wanted sleek and professional, and the blue sparkerly bits, while I can make them pretty, weren't as they were. I'll add them back in after I figure out how the TF2 level editor works or if I got bored of it, but don't go to bed directly after that.
If you aren't aware, I just have a Facebook account of the heck of it, and I hardly use it. Now that I'm actually writing this code to get the FRC Facebook page working, I gotta say, this is actually going to be one kickass Facebook page. The best part is I won't even have to ever visit it once this is all done.
I will make that thing now. From how it looks on facebook at the moment, I can tell that I need to compress it more, so facebook doesn't find it necessary to do it itself, but shittily, and it would look better without the border-y thing on the left side. Await version with sparkles in 15 min. How this?
Yeah, sadly Facebook doesn't seem to let me specify a different image for the small version than for the big version. It just automatically makes a thumbnail, and you have no choice. Or am I just stupid?
I didn't even think of the actual thumbnail-thumbnail, just the mid-thumbnail on the side, which is the same size. Well should be the same size.
yeah, I'm talking about the tiny thumbnail that goes next to every post. I guess you haven't seen it because I have only made test postings so far, and I deleted them all. I'll make one after I upload this new image.
I think what you have to do is keep everything the same, but put a bunch of white padding around the image. Check out this example from Ford's facebook page.
I think it would be better with just GN or some kind of logo. I didn't realize my primary field was only 50x50 pixels. Unless you think its fine. Then I'd think it was fine too =P
I think it would be better with just GN or some kind of logo. I didn't realize my primary field was only 50x50 pixels. Unless you think its fine. Then I'd think it was fine too =P
You're doing this voluntarily, so do as you please. It can definitely be better than it is, but I do not have the skills to make it even half as good as it is right now.
I think I'm going to change the legacy tweeting schedule to once every Friday. No matter what we never do a show on Friday, so it makes sense to post a legacy show then.
You're doing this voluntarily, so do as you please. It can definitely be better than it is, but I do not have the skills to make it even half as good as it is right now.
Yes, but I'm still doing it for someone else, and I don't want to leave something unfinished.
Now pretend you're paying me; what do you not like about that ^
EDIT: Oops! I accidentally chopped the bottom of the letters off in my first image. Fixed.
How this?
I didn't even think of the actual thumbnail-thumbnail, just the mid-thumbnail on the side, which is the same size. Well should be the same size.
Edit: this version is much better
Edit 2: Again
Now pretend you're paying me; what do you not like about that ^
Edit: No wait, this v