Battleship and Other Impending Cinema Disasters
Rihanna looking cute in a photo from 'Battleship'. How could someone not know they're in a bad movie?

I'm still waiting for the announcement of:
Scrabble, I have a Q and no U's
Big Wheels, starring Jason Statham
Funny thing is, there are no commissioned battleships at this time and the ones that are left intact are in no condition to go into combat and would take a year or so to become ready for modern naval combat.
EDIT: It's called Real Steel
So, they can do a scene, have everything go well, and think, "Okay, that was good", and then be genuinely surprised when the final product sucks.
It doesn't help that they get paid obscene amounts of money, get pampered on set, and realize that even bad movies can add to their reputation as being reliable and good to work with. Consider for a moment the crappy movies Tom Hanks had to do before he was trusted with the good stuff.
They just need to put someone else in charge of everything else and it would be perfect.
Also I want some grizzled mustachioed captain to be in a life boat shaking his fist at the aliens, "YOU SANK MY BATTLESHIP"