Let's Learn League of Legends
MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
AKA DoTA Clones
Amid all the MOBA hate on FRC, I'm sure there are 4 other people who want to try a DoTA game but are afraid of the community and the learning curve.
Well, we can eliminate 50% of that by creating a set team here and learning together. Do you suck? Do you have no idea how to play? SAME HERE!
The reason I'd pick League of Legends over Heroes of Newerth is that LoL is much more straight forward in how characters play and advance and it doesn't have HoN's crazy game changing items.
Ganked from Penny Arcade:
The LoL approach to Monkey KingAlso, the lead designer of LoL wrote thisThen again, since HoN is basically a palate swap for DoTA, DoTA 2 will almost certainly look more like HoN than LoL. The problem is that the mechanics of HoN are way more crazy and complex.
The HoN approach to Monkey KingBoth are free to play, with rotating heroes.
So, what can you look forward to if you join? Well, we'll get destroyed for many many games but we'll get better and we won't get screamed at by 12 year olds while we do it.
Both communities are full of assholes. Fuck that.
Set team of Not Assholes means you interact with ZERO assholes.
Besides, that comic was about being bad a LoL (which is the other whole point of this).
An aside: I'll DPS tank for us with Mordekaiser, if everyone's down with that.
I'm on the West Coast.
Does Tuesday 830PM PST work?
Problem being my schedule by way of my job. I have Thursdays and Sundays off, but on the rest of the days I'm free until about 2:30 PM EST and I don't get back until anywhere from 11 PM to as late as 1 AM. S-so uh, I'll probably be sitting this first gathering out.
Let's Learn League of Legends
join up if you want to play
There is a good chance I'm going to be facing some crunch time in the near future so weekends are probably going to work best for me as well in the future.
I'm saving IP for Mordekaiser right now and will probably buy Gangplank with RP so that I can carry harder. My handle is HeadlessClown88, if anyone wants to friend me and have an unofficial introductory round within the next couple hours.
The deal with LoL, and most MOBA games in general, is that one player can trivially lose the game for your entire team of 5. That means that while you're learning the game, you will very often cause your team to lose, and you'll be hated for it. When you get better, unless you have a team of 5 people you trust, you're going to find that the majority of the time your team is going to be let down by some of the random strangers on your team. Hence assholery is basically a natural result of the way the game works - it's easy to get pissed off when you lose a game not through any fault of your own, but because of your teammate(s).
My main champs are Alistar, Taric, and Dr. Mundo, though I have plenty of champs that I don't play as often. Suppose I ought to mention my LoL username being Yuyuke (BIG SURPRISE HUH) as well.
Fortunately, that doesn't entirely break this possibility: because, similarly to how we played TF2 with the default weapons only, you still have the option of completely taking off your runes and masteries to equalise yourself with someone who is just starting. We wouldn't be able to play draft mode, though, since some people's selections of champions would be too limited.
On the plus side, ping would be less of an issue than it was in our TF2 "scrim".
Only played with people I know so far. Zero asshole quotient.