According to the Wall Street Journal Blog,
Steve Jobs has just resigned as CEO of Apple.
With his previous health issues this probably isn't entirely unexpected, and it will be interesting to see in what ways a Job-less Apple will become more or less evil/successful/other adjective.
What are your thoughts?
However, I maintain a kernel of hope that the CEO will declare "Gimme open source." When told that he can't get the source without signing a Steve Jobs Loyalty Oath, he will shout "GIVE EVERYONE OPEN SOURCE!" and the reign of terror will be at an end. However, this will not happen, because Apple is not Google. It's not good for business for a company where a CEO approves the placement of screwholes in a laptop case to decide that the proles can, y'know, meaningfully interact with the underlying aspects of their hardware and software.
I don't hate Apple, but I do really hope things change.
For those of you who don't know, my goal is to live long enough for brain-in-a-box. After that it's just a waiting game until I can have a body like The Major.
PS: My life goal is to work on brainbox technology. Brain-computer interfaces and all that.
oh and the shit episode of south park just came on