Look what we found while walking the dog
So last night, the fiance and I decided to walk the dog (a jack russell terrier) around the neighborhood. We got to the playground near our house when she started going crazy near one of the trashcans under a big oak tree, sniffing and barking a bit. When the fiance went over to see what was going on, she found this little guy.
It's a tiny baby flying squirrel, apparently fairly common around SC. Being a veterinarian (and a female possessing maternal instincts), she decided to bring it back home and nurse it after brushing off the fire ants that were trying to eat it.
We successfully kept it separated from the dog for the evening, feeding it with a large-gauge syringe, and she took it into work today to see if anyone else wants to keep it and nurse it. I've just been informed that she named it SQL since it squeaks a lot. This is a dirty, dirty move and apparently we now have a new temporary house guest. At least until it is a few months old and can forage for itself.
That type of thinking always overrides the rational decision-making process.