That's how many felt about our involvement in Libya, but we were able to throw out Gadaffi (or Gadafi or Gataffi or Quatafi) and restore freedom. The Equestrian rebels are already well armed with weapons from the captured depot in Salt Lick City, but they don't know how to use them. Even minimal involvement will give the ponies the ability to overthrow the Celestian regime and instate the Lunar Republic.
The list of petitions offered so far are mostly a sad bunch of "legalize weed!" and "tell us you're talking to aliens," but there's also a couple about horse slaughter and removing religious references from currency and the Pledge Of Allegiance. I just wish people would learn how to use the internet and sign onto pre existing petitions instead of making their own.
Though the Internet was invented at DARPA, the United States has much slower Internet service at much higher prices than than the rest of the world. That is inexcusable. The US should be #1 in both.
Should be? Maybe. Can it be? Never. The US, as a country, is too retarded for such things. The first half of the quote cements it.
(WARNING: Contains Ponies)
If we're going to fritter away trillions, we might as well fritter it away on something fucking awesome.
Not that this will matter, but I'd like to at least see the responses. ;^)