I'm trying to make a .VCF file with my contact info in it that I can put on my website and then link to it via a QR code on my physical buisness card.
Things I've run into:
1)vCards have the TZ attribute for time zone but I can't find out what the correct format for it is, as in: GB or BST etc..
2)Working out how to use .htacess to make sure wordpress doesn't override fredmcd.com/c.vcf and instead delivers the file directly.
3)Will need to test if X-Skype and X-Google-Talk attributes work on Droods and iPons.
4)Also, is there an attribute that is effectively X-Facebook?
Edit: Facebook should be fine with just the email.
2) I can update the VCard whenever I want and don't have to change the physical card.
Android exports contacts as .vcf.
Android can't import .vcf files. [Still looking into it.]