Panelburg aka Oh Shit Viga Started a Webcomic Yall!
The only way to practice and exercise comic making is to make comics. So here I am doing that thing.
Panelburg I'm only updating Tuesdays for now. School is in session and it's an achievable schedule for me. Also, if anyone can point out things to improve from art, funny-ness, or site design I'd like that. I feel excited and nervous about it somehow.
When you say 'murderous guro shota-con rapist', I don't necessarily get the impression she acted on those impulses. If she can control those, she's not a horrible person, and thus the shooting feels unjustified. If you changed 'five time murderer and child rapist' I would think they would be horrible.
On the punchline; I didn't get at all why she was shot, or why I should think it was funny. This is easy to solve by adding "I don't like you." or "I'll be a dick if I want."
Now, I won't get into plot-holes, because I should just ignore those for the sake of art. Suffice to say, didn't make me laugh, but with a little spit shine, I think it could. I'll say this, you're a better person then I am for making something, while I made nothing.
I only ask because for some stupid reason my work blocks photobucket, but not imgur or imageshack. It's beyond me.
I'm just being selfish because I mostly do the bulk of my internet consumption/webcomics during work hours. There are other webcomics that use photobucket to host their comics, and since I can't see them at work, I honestly forget about them. I know I can always just keep it on my reeder feed and view it at home.
In regards to your actual comic, I can relate to what I consider the main character in wanting to sometimes punch a person but I have no idea what a 'guro shota-con' person is.
Who/what is your primary target audience?
The audience I had in mind was anyone who likes comics. The whole plan is to have one pagers, short stories and longer form stories of mine on the site.
Thanks, everyone! This is much appreciated for a first timer like me. No one is better or worse. You're a cool guy for giving me honest criticism. In school we learn the different between construct crit and being an ass, and you are not an ass. ^_^ I want to use your suggestion since more people would get it.
For the high angle shot, I'd make her legs go smaller kinda like a v. I think you should google high angle camera shot for a reference. I appreciate that you're going for different angles.
I looked up tons of camera shots to use in the future. Thanks for the tip.
Also, if I've learned anything about web comics, the number one most important thing is to make a lot of them and always stay on schedule. Not because readers will be upset if they miss a strip, but because to build your skills you need to keep at it and never stop.
The two things you wanted her to change? Two things that immediately made her art style stand out from other new comic illustrators.
It differs in look to the first one since I did these three comics first.