What is the best podcast aggregator?
I like Juice but it has been giving me problems lately, listing the wrong podcasts, seemingly random in the wrong feeds, and also randomly downloading old ones.
Anyone care to list the aggregator they use, not counting iTunes?
Is there an option to stop that from happening?
I would just use iTunes, but I've switched over to using Rhapsody for my music, so iTunes is way too bulky for just podcasts.
I also found the interface clunky to add Geeknights in the first place. That was so long ago I couldn't remember well enough to describe what was clunky about it.
I have all the podcasts feeds in Google reader as well because it's quicker to check for new shows there rather than waiting for the app to check them.
Personally, I just have RSS feeds for the podcasts that I keep up with in my Google Reader, and then I manually download new episodes when they're out. It's hardly difficult, and I like grouping my feeds together as much as possible.