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Worst website in the world, ever.

edited January 2012 in Technology
What is the worst designed website in the world? I mean, it makes you want to claw your eyes out or throttle the creator. I'll start


  • Anything that's entirely flash based.
  • Should a site that was designed to be bad on purpose even count?
  • Should a site that was designed to be bad on purpose even count?
    I don't think any bad site should be disqualified. That was the first one that came to mind, I'll probably share more later once I get some time to actually troll the depths of the internets.
  • It's german, but whatever. Website for some christian youth organization. Background music, horrendous animated background texture, terrible font (which the website instructs you to download first!), .gifs, bad spelling, heavy use of Denglisch (german interspersed with english wordsin order to sound trendy) etc. The website of their parent organization isn't much better.

    (Un)fortunately, this is a parody.
  • Flashing text, everywhere.
  • What about the old "I Kiss You" website?
  • My co-worker bought another co-worker's domain when it expired and "remodeled" it as a joke:
    Just needs scrolling text, iframes, and music, and it'll be perfect :-P
  • Oh god my eyes
  • edited January 2012
    Psshh. I don't see any <blink> tags.

    EDIT: Drudge Report might make the list for sites with a lot of actual pageviews.

    For terrible navigation, I would contend that DELL's website (and, I imagine, other PC OEMs) is pretty bad. The navigation is split up into arbitrary categories (Home vs. Small Office? What about a home office?) and it takes multiple double-backs to find a specific product. Try finding an Ultrasharp monitor.

    P.P.S. Also, Martinsburg PD would not make me feel safe in that town. I don't want to buy a pretty dress from Yvette's Bridal Formal. And remember TABLEs? THESE GUYS DO!

    P.P.P.S. This guy is a web designer.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • The original, infamous, Yale School of Art.
  • Have you guys seen the cover of M.I.A.'s album /\/\ /\ Y /\?
  • I didn't know North Korea had a cafepress...
  • edited January 2012
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • I don't just mean in terms of design, either
  • If you are going to judge like that then the worst has to be one of those booroo worse than 4chan sites.
  • Well that's one link I could have gone without clicking
  • edited January 2012
    Drudge Report might make the list for sites with a lot of actual pageviews.
    What is this site? What the hell is going on? Why is this getting any pageviews at all? This is the shittiest news reporting (I think that's what it is, I can't tell) site I've every seen. I would be less confused if you didn't say it was popular.

    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • edited January 2012
    Drudge Report might make the list for sites with a lot of actual pageviews.
    What is this site? What the hell is going on? Why is this getting any pageviews at all? This is the shittiest news reporting (I think that's what it is, I can't tell) site I've every seen. I would be less confused if you didn't say it was popular.
    I totally agree, but it is (or was) actually pretty influential
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Drudge Report is an american conservative news website. Other popular websites in that genre include World Net Daily, Prison Planet, and Conservapedia. How are you guys in any way surprised about this?
  • Drudge Report is an american conservative news website. Other popular websites in that genre include World Net Daily, Prison Planet, and Conservapedia. How are you guys in any way surprised about this?
    Joe Boomer is not American.
  • edited January 2012
    Yeah, I always forget not everybody has seen the sphincter of the internet.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • You mean Goatse?
  • Any college website. Any information that would actually be useful is hidden away in obscure and poorly-labeled menus, and behind the bland pictures of deliberately multicultural actors who have been hired to pose in front of a computer and look like students.
  • Don't forget the search bar that brings up links to news articles that briefly mention the program you wanted to learn about, but not the page for the program itself.
  • Very much that. If I ever wanted to find something on my uni's website, I'd google it.
  • Ours uses four different CMS's. FOUR DIFFERENT ONES. And I'm not even talking about the system they use for the class schedule.
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