Let's translate things!
I saw this
Mass Effect 3 manga linked on G+ and tried to translate the first page. I'm frustrated because the kanji doesn't have furigana along with it, so trying to find a decent translation is difficult.
This is what I have so far for the first page:
1st panel-
Liara: Tali-chan! Let's go home together!
Tali: Liara.
2nd panel:
Name plates to both characters:
Liara - Asari race
Tali - Quarian race
Liara: Umm..(Kanji I can't figure out. It's like karada/tai/tei -something that looks like mu-hi/k/ichi) no Sensei.
Tali: Shepard-sensei?
3rd panel:
Liara: He's so handsome/cool.
Tali: What? I don't think so/I'm not sure about that.
4th panel:
Liara: Well that stoic (something, I couldn't find the decent translation of the kanji) person is just fine.
Tali: Liara kao, makkakka. (No idea.)
I'm going to try to translate the rest to the best of my abilities, but it's not that great to begin with.
体育=たいいく (育 means "education/raising")
Extra: 3rd panel not in the balloon. Tali says "He probably smells all sweaty..." Shepard's shirt says "Tracksuit Life!"
感じ=かんじ (I'd probably go with "sense of stoicism" or "stoic vibe")
まっかっか=bright red (this is a funny way to write the word, so it probably is not in the dictionary)
Also, I like this webpage. It's easy to plug words in once you can type them.
Edit: Hey, you should definitely try to translate the whole thing! I'll help you with anything you have a question about, and then you can make a scanlation and put it up on the Internets for everyone. People will literally hug you for making translations of cool geeky things.
I was using Kotoba and Midori on the iOS to help with the rest of the translation. I'm mainly been using Kotoba, but both Japanese dictionary programs are pretty great even though Midori is $10.
Thanks for the rest of the translation.