POE'S CURSE Until we all return to Otakon, I don't think the curse will ever be lifted. You guys need to get me down there! I'm trapped in a world of responsibilities. XP
Is it easier to get panels accepted after you have successfully run a panel (generally speaking, Rym and Scott seemingly being blacklisted are definitely outliers in this situation)? Both How to Not Suck at Pokemon: A Beginner's Guide and New VS Old: Pokemon were not accepted this year, and I really want to be able to run them in the future.
I created an event page for a FRCF Meet-Up as so that we can plan it out easily. If you're going to Otakon (or just want to feel special), add yourself to the group. It's public, so anyone should be able to join even if you aren't friends with me on Facebook.
I'd come down for the after con things since I can not justify paying $80 for attending less then a day, if I have floor to crash on can party hard. Also the event link isn't working for me.
Weird that one should work but all I am getting is the meeting page and not that specific meeting. I guess this is what I get for not being well versed in the facebooking.
I don't see anything on the Otakon web site about shuttle buses to hotels in the conference block. I assume that means there's no such thing. But I'd be very happy to be wrong.
Man, I want Otakon to love us again. It bothers me personally more than it should that the con broke up with us and never calls us anymore. We stand them up for one date because they were being mega-flaky and boom! Hysterics.
That shit's the worst. You're all like, "I couldn't make it to the restaurant! You didn't tell me which booth you were in!" Then they're all like, "I HATE YOU! I'M GONNA REPLACE YOU WITH PANELS OF HETALIA!"
But seriously, what would they do at a convention (anime-based) that they weren't doing panels at? Seriously? It's not like PAX where they can just play games and see smart people talk. Otakon is...Not like that.
They were invited onto the staff (under the condition that they not be forced into being gophers, since that job sucks), but were not given duties for Otakon, not told what they needed to do/where they needed to be, and were not given email responses. So they didn't/couldn't show up, because they weren't given enough advance ahead of time to appropriately take their vacation days to head out to Otakon. They let the staff know that they would've attended if given duties and times to show up, but the staff didn't seem to care.
Yeah, and then they said YOU ARE NOT COMING? and put us on their shit list. And then Rym said to his fans to ask at the Q and A why they were not there and the Otakon staff said OMG YOU ARE INCITING RIOTS! (Just line up and ask why Rym and Scott were not at the Con is not a riot, for your information.)
It's sad how Otakon staff seems to be crazy. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, the people in charge of Tora-Con may or may not be the same way. Tora-con (and the RIT Anime Club) have both been declining in quality as of late. It's disappointing. It skews far younger than it used to.
I was thinking that the FRCF Meet-Up could be after a panel run by a member of the FRCF. We could use that as a meeting place and then go get food/drinks/just hang out.
(We would, of course, have to wait until the schedule comes out to figure any concrete details, though.)
We could always arrange to get dinner together somewhere. Everyone has to eat and that's outside the con, also potentially falling under the "after someone's panel" category.
I wonder if this will top the epic fail/win of finding Poe's grave and ending up eating Cali Tor. (that icky place. >.<)
Until we all return to Otakon, I don't think the curse will ever be lifted. You guys need to get me down there! I'm trapped in a world of responsibilities. XP
We stand them up for one date because they were being mega-flaky and boom! Hysterics.
"I couldn't make it to the restaurant! You didn't tell me which booth you were in!"
Then they're all like,
Or something like that.
But seriously, what would they do at a convention (anime-based) that they weren't doing panels at? Seriously? It's not like PAX where they can just play games and see smart people talk. Otakon is...Not like that.
(We would, of course, have to wait until the schedule comes out to figure any concrete details, though.)