What's up with these 150+ page, 6000+ comment threads that just keep getting appended forever?
I mean, I understand the "bounce" concept, but I don't think I've ever seen such an extreme case. Is it just tradition?
I'll tell ya, it makes viewing those threads on a mobile browser, which omits the page links in favor of a "show more comments" button, essentially impossible.
And yes, "Mark All Viewed" is great.
Anime Expo
While I know I've created a good number of the PAX threads, I think it's better to just read one thread of all the PAX items. You could go through it and see the history of PAX with this forum. Of course, the podcast related threads make sense to be separate since it's under the "Geek Nights" category.
Oh well, it's not major, just curious. I've never seen a forum culture where multiple thousand post long threads are encouraged, before.
I will agree, however that I do not like how they don't show different pages for threads in mobile view as well. It took me forever to look for a specific comment I made about a video card I purchased last year. I needed to find it because at the time, I was at the computer store and needed to see if they had that item in stock for the bf.
Also the Random Comments thread is fun to read!
Edit: Ninja'd
We do not forget around here.
There are other benefits. For example - imagine if someone had to make a new thread every time they had some embarrassing dating situation. Why, that may actually cause people like me to hold back on my incessant rambling sitcom-esque stories about girls who got away. How would the forum survive!?!
In any case, having only one thread for many things like this makes a lot of sense. It tends to reduce the amount of rehashing, and it makes it much easier to skip over content you're not interested in.