I mod now. Bow before me and ph34r me. Today ushers in a dark and oppressive time for the FRC forums, beginning with purging all the bad from you lot. We will do so by sending santa claus messages of you being bad, resulting in you not getting presents this christmas. As a result you will stop being bad.
There shall also be a strict policy regarding the worshipping of me. Six times daily for a start. You shall enjoy this because it makes you happy and makes me happy too to boot. Win-win situation if I say so myself. Methods of worshipping me include donations, making things for me, speaking highest of me (this one is cumulative across the forums, so speak higher and higher of me to worship me in this way), and correcting people when they're wrong and/or insane, or named Apreche.
People shall also be disallowed to insult and speak ill of others under my rule without explicit permission from yours truly for each instance of insult and ill-speak to be done.
Breaking these rules shall have dangerous repercussions, though banishment will not be one of those since we know those are useless anyway. More rules to be added as they are written out by me or offered by my subjects. You may begin right this instant.
"Shit yeah, that'll be great for one night!"
"And then we'll ban him again?"
"You know it."
However, I thought the above was funny, so good job.
Maybe we should just keep you as mod. It will be entertaining, to say the least.
I also checked to make sure I had patched the forum, like I thought I did. Apparently I hadn't! I think I put the patches in the wrong folder the last time. So there was actually some XSS vunlerabilities available if you could trick me into clicking on a bad link or something. Most of the vulnerabilities are in plugins that we don't use. Most of those plugins are the unapproved. This is why I won't run some random code you guys.
Anyway, we are updated now, so there is at least one fewer XSS possibility available.
That's what I love about this forum, man. I get older, it stays the same age.
All hail Mod Nine.