Since Sundays are blah days for me and the admission price is $3 I might be tempted to check it out to see if there is anything decent there. Any other takers?
When the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Superman points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Batman and Robin. Where the 2 major Superman forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Supergirl points we recognize as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. The 4-equidistant Superman e points can be considered as Supergirl Square imprinted upon the circle of Gotham City.
This is how the text in Homestuck reads to normal people
Hey at least it advertises vendors from 6 states so there will be at least 6. In all honesty it can't be as bad as other small cons I've been to (most recent being the Allentown Comic Con). Does not matter how shit the con is, I keep an open mind and find a way to enjoy myself.
Is this some new, worth-it Philadelphia Comic-Con?