Happy Evacuation Day 2012!
We all know that Thanksgiving is a bullshit holiday made up by Lincoln to try and re-unite the country, and we all know that the mythos around it only propagates the misconception that the Puritans and Pilgrims treated the Indigenous Americans humanely, but we don't want to give up our five-day weekend for this. What do?
I say we celebrate
Evacuation Day! Sure it's a few days off, but it was the reason Lincoln put Thanksgiving when he did, so I say it's close enough. So eat Turkey , be merry, and remember the British prison ships leaving the Hudson.
Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving, G-d Bless America!
EDIT: Greg, when I was your age, I read Howard Zinn on Thanksgiving and got really worked up about our holidays and the reasons for them and the validity of Columbus Day and stuff. Then, I realized I could have more fun just using the holidays as a excuse to have fun, instead of grumbling about shit I can never change. Do that instead!!
I'm surprised you guys are so down with it.
(My mom's husband is American so this year I am having the Dave and Joel experience. Double Thanksgiving!)
Thanksgiving and Christmas are about family and community (and consumerism). Two out of three ain't bad.
And maybe some football.
Also screw anyone who's not down with Christmas. One of my coworkers is a self professed Scrooge and I just tell him to shut up because no one gives a shit about your personal vendetta on happiness.
Bowel Evacuation.
Edit: Also helps that Autozone actually kinda gives a damn about its employees and gives them Thanksgiving and Christmas off.