I Need Help From a German-Literate Forumite
So I'm researching medieval and older malting techniques, and I think I just found a paper that may kill my latest hypothesis. Thing is, the citation is in German, and I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking for.
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12520-010-0049-5The citation:
Stika H-P, Zach B, Melisch CM (2010) Frühmittelalterliches Gerstenmalz aus Cölln, Berlin-Mitte. In: Menghin (ed.) Ausgrabungen in Cölln, Archäologie auf der Fischerinsel in Berlin-Mitte, Berliner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Neue Folge (in press)
Any takers?
Stika H-P, Zach B, Melisch CM (2010) Early medieval barley malt from Cölln, Berlin-Mitte. In Menghin (ed.) Excavations in Cölln, Archeology on Fisherinsel in Berlin-Mitte, Berliner contributions to pre- and early history, New Edition [literally: new Episode] (in press).
Please note that Cölln, Fischerinsel and Berlin-Mitte are proper names, though the last two could be translated to "Fisher Island" and "central Berlin" respectively.
Edit for clarification.
There are two islands now, but they weren't the two islands of the original two towns. What is now Museum Island was Cölln Island, and water around Berlin Island was filled in, with that area now Alexander Platz. Roughly.
Fisher Island is a third island.
Thanks guys!