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Book Club - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald



  • I once dated a girl called Zelda, named after Zelda Fitzgerald.
    I hope she didn't leave you on account of your lacking exorbitant wealth, leading you to juggle a legendary juggle in hopes of worldwide fame and riches that would certainly lead her crawling back to you. Cuz then like, you'd have to write books about that shit. ;)

  • One of my friends said the Gatsby movie looks dumb. I asked him, "It's The Great Gatsby, how could it be bad unless they Starship Troopers it?"

    Now I kind of want them to Starship Troopers it.
  • I like the Starship Troopers movie...

    Also, it's Luhrman. You don't go for quality, you go for spectacle.
  • That's what I'm saying! Are you're telling me there's been a bigger substance -> spectacle transformation than what Troopers underwent? I want that, but instead of Klendathu, it's New York.
  • Stephen Colbert did a Book Club episode for the book/movie. It was fan friggin tastic.
  • I didn't find TGG as bad as The Scarlet Letter, which I contend is the Worst Book Ever, but it was just dull dull dull, as others have said.
  • I actually kind of liked the Scarlet Letter. Have you read Ethan Fromm?
  • I actually kind of liked the Scarlet Letter. Have you read Ethan Fromm?
    Nope haven't, though reading the first sentence of the plot on wikipedia makes me immediately think of TGG.

    And while the plot of the Scarlet Letter isn't a bad idea, the execution and Hawthorne's grinding and grating writing style left me unable to enjoy it, and I'll be honest I did not read it half as well as I had other books assigned to us. Gatsby was a slog, but it it didn't make me want to gouge out my eyeballs.
  • Pleb.
  • So... anyone seen the movie yet?
  • RymRym
    edited May 2013
    We did.

    It was good. Some parts were really well done, and some parts were awful, balancing themselves out.

    It has a framing device. I hate framing devices in almost all movies where they have ever been employed. Also, voiceovers.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Where is it on a scale from Starship Troopers to Starship Troopers?
  • I actually kind of liked the Scarlet Letter. Have you read Ethan Frome*?
    Now that's the worst novel ever.
  • I totally wasn't expecting the Lovecraftian twist with Myrtle.
    “She’s a deep one,” said Wilson, as if that answered the question.
    Then he went mad!
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