Programing Language for a teacher
I am looking to make a random test generator, where the answer key would be the same across all versions of the test, so the students all see different tests, but I only need one key. Anyone have an idea on what language I should use? I used to do some programing in VB but it has been many years ago. I would also need to output to a .doc or .docx file that is also form like.
Thanks for the help.
Otherwise, my general go-to language for people just starting out would be Python. There is a Python .docx module available, but I have no idea how capable it is as I've never used it.
How does this prevent cheating exactly? Or am I misunderstanding?
If you are going to write a program you might as well go all out. Have each test be completely shuffled. Then have a unique ID printed onto each test. Then you lookup the ID in the database to retrieve the answer key for that exam. This should all be done automatically with barcode/scantron technology.
But in going all out, what language should I use?
My scripting knowledge is not quite good enough to kill somebody in the real world, though.
I'm actually whipping up a report and some tables to do this for you, because I'm snowed in and bored. Give me a little bit.
The jist of it is three tables: tQuestions, tAnswers, and tTests. Questions have a 1:n(unique) relation to Answers, and Tests have a 1:n(unique) relation to Questions. You use SELECT ... ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 statements to create random orders of Questions and their asossciated Answers, and you dump those results into Tests so that you can easily kick out an answer key for that specific Test later.
That may sound intimidating, but it's really second nature when you get to know Access, or databases and SQL in general. My implementation's a bit spiffier than that, which is why it's taking a bit longer.