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US Music Festival Season 2013

edited February 2013 in Everything Else
Bonnaroo just announced an amazing lineup to kick off the festival season. I'm not sure who around here attends these or drives long-distance for them, but it's probably something you should try out if you like live music and stuff like PAX. It's basically a Music Con.

Anyway, I've got around five people 100% on Bonnaroo with me, and I think we're going to form a Groop. Let me know if any of y'all want to get in on this so that we can split food and gear duties and have a really amazing time.

Also, this is a good place to coordinate for other fests: Lollapalooza, Sasquatch, Pitchfork, FYF, anything like that.


  • I was thinking about Sasquatch, then it sold out in an hour or two. So far I'm only planning for maybe one day of Bumbershoot.
  • Sasquatch sold out in an hour? Daaaaamn.
  • edited February 2013
    I really wanted to go to Coachella but that sold out before I even found out what the lineup was.

    Damn, I might consider Bonnaroo though... my grandpa lives in Nashville so I could get to Manchester pretty easy .
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Yeah, you won't have any trouble on the 'Roo tickets. They take on 80K attendees since Manchester basically survives on the fest.
  • I find it funny that in that video Tosh says he hopes the Postal Service wont be there, which will probably be somewhat of a deciding factor since Kelsey really wants to see them while their doing their touring.
  • I am so ungodly tempted, but I am 8 hours away...
  • edited February 2013
    WuB, you should check out Solorooers (if they're still active). It's a group of solo people and smaller groups that camp together. Shared tents, foods, company, etc. When I went in 2007, there were ~70 of us.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited February 2013
    I am so ungodly tempted, but I am 8 hours away...
    Only 8? What's stopping you? Road trip that motherfucker! Find two or three friends who will go with you and make it an expedition.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I'm gonna call up my music buddy, he loves Bluegrass AND Baroness. Maybe we can get something rolling.
  • I predict zero music festivals for me this year.
  • I predict zero music festivals for me this year.
    I was considering going to Big Day Out, but it would have cut into PAX monies, so I didn't bother this year. So, no festivals for me this year.

  • Fuck off out of this thread, Churba, it's for US music festivals only.
  • I won't be going to any music festivals this year. Some gigs in Berlin though, I'm sure.

    In June I'm going to see Muse, and I hope to be rocked. I wasn't so sure of their new album, but it's grown on me a load. Now I can't wait to see Survival live, which is weird because I really disliked it the first time I heard it.
  • Is there a good festival for independent artists? All the festivals I hear about are too big-name, if that makes sense.
  • Is there a good festival for independent artists? All the festivals I hear about are too big-name, if that makes sense.
    Pitchfork is awesome, indie, and cheap.
  • Is there a good festival for independent artists? All the festivals I hear about are too big-name, if that makes sense.
    Pitchfork is awesome, indie, and cheap.
    Did a little research on them. A little under half their acts record for major label subsidiaries. Not sure that that's what I'm looking for.
  • edited February 2013
    Is there a good festival for independent artists? All the festivals I hear about are too big-name, if that makes sense.
    FYF used to be. Less-so last year. Dunno about this year. Still better than most.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited February 2013
    Is there a good festival for independent artists? All the festivals I hear about are too big-name, if that makes sense.
    Pitchfork is awesome, indie, and cheap.
    Did a little research on them. A little under half their acts record for major label subsidiaries. Not sure that that's what I'm looking for.
    Dude, I go to P4K annually now. It's like the ideal place for you. Lots of young nihilists and older idealogues with fixies. Head Shop tents and a "Record Store City" selling vinyl on-site. 33 1/3 has a tent there and they run an annual contest wherein five fest-goers can win the entire series of album criticism books.

    Lollapalooza is a lot more of a party than p4k, but p4k is a lot cooler and also way more chill than Lolla. Lolla is basically Chicago's three-day rave weekend at this point, and I'm so over 16yr-olds rushing on molly asking me for hugs while I'm trying to watch a show.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm now paying significantly more attention. It's now a matter of cost. I have crash space in Chicago (excessive amounts of it), and I have the money for tickets now, but I'm not sure where air fare is going to come from. I'll find something, though. I need somewhere to go this summer without my parents, and this looks like a good place for it.
  • edited February 2013
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I can put you up. My apartment will have chalkboard walls, a bookcase wall, and a woodworking shop. Also, several giant beanbags and a sectional sofa.

    That aside, you could probably Greyhound it. Channel your inner folk punk and hit the road with a backpack and a dream.
  • I'd love to stay with you, but I don't know if my parents would be okay with it, especially since my dad has huge amounts of family in the area. Someone on the Internet sets off alarms that Auntie Felicity doesn't. But then again, there are several forumites who I would be allowed to crash with because they know them IRL, so we'll see what they think after they meet you at PAX. Greyhounding it does sound better, too.
  • I always intend to do the metal cruise festival, but I am uneasy about cruise ships. All it takes is one idiot with norovirus...
  • Cruises where a virus ruins everyone's trip are very, very rare. Otherwise getting sick on a ship has about the same risk as getting sick anywhere else.

  • That aside, you could probably Greyhound it. Channel your inner folk punk and hit the road with a backpack and a dream.

    Any other Bus company outside of Greyhound and Peter Pan will actually get you to your destination on time without bullshit.


    Any other Bus company outside of Greyhound and Peter Pan will actually get you to your destination on time without bullshit.

    I think you forgot Megabus, unless everyone agrees that is just assumed.
  • Does it count if an American Festival adds a new location? For example, Warped Tour coming to Australia later this year.
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