My local group is looking to start up a sci-fi or cyberpunk game. I'm looking to crowd source some ideas and opinions of non-fantasy systems that are out there. I hear Travelar, the new Star Wars RPG, Eclipse Phase and Rouge Trader are the best; but has anyone on the fourm played them?
a)go to planet GM rolls the dice for goods available
b) the trading characters negoiate to get the goods, while the other players stand around doing nothing
c)go to next planet, repeat with a bit of story inbetween until you have the money to fix the ship/buy new equipment ect
When I'm not on my phone, I'll try to find good links for these.
What are you guys trying to get out of the game?
How many players, how frequently, expectations for campaign length?
My most recent experiences are with Rogue Trader and Star Wars Saga Edition. I also have some random cyberpunk tri-stat games, Paranoia, Shadowrun, and others sitting around. Star Wars was the most like a fantasy game with a different setting. Paranoia is the best ice-breaker one-shot system, but serious long campaigns require a particular kind of group. Isn't there a new edition of Shadowrun to try out?
I love Shadowrun as a setting, but the mechanics are crap.
Maybe I should get Apocalypse World and make a shadowrun hack for it. Or I could create shadowrun crunch for Solar System. Of course until I actually do something this is all shit talk, but the possibility that I actually do something is there.
My friends are planning to play Ghost in the Shell using Interface Zero 2.0 once the kickstarter pdfs start trickling in.
Eclipse Phase
I've contemplated using Marvel Heroic Roleplaying in a science-fiction setting - possibly to run a Danger Patrol-esque game. Or maybe a different sort of science fiction heroic team game. MHR is pretty cool - it borrows from and emulates DP in may ways - but it has a very very specific feel to it. The characters also don't really evolve at all, so it's better suited to linked episodic games, rather than continuous campaigns.
I've been looking into both Apocalypse World (I don't know why I don't already own it) and FATE. I've heard good things about FATE, but I've never had a chance to play any games that use it.
We're not totally sure what we're after yet, beyond "group-oriented cooperative science fiction." We're leaning in an exploratory direction, I think, but we're not all totally sure. Jon, your Eclipse Phase boner has lasted way longer than 4 hours.
I own, but haven't played MHR. It looks good on a read-through, and a lot of people whose opinions I respect say it's good. You could look at getting the Cortex+ Hacker's Guide and use that to base a cyberpunk game on.
@CrSt: Mostly for fun weekly social interactions with friends and some creative expression.
5-6ppl weekly for a 4hr game &I play with Pete.
The Sprawl reminds me so much of Cyberpunk 2020. It's freaky, but I like it.
AW looks sick and I may buy it tonight.
The dice mechanic in FATE is weird. I can't say much more.