Woo! Alright! It's almost here and I am excited. I'm already confirmed for three out of the eight panels I submitted.
1. My Little Pony: Sound is Magic
This panel gives a break down of some of the sound design techniques used in the show, as well as a history of sound in cinema and television.
Here is the video of when I did it last year at AX. I've since done it at Equestria LA and Anime LA, so I'll be revising it to include more material from Seasons 2 and 3.
2. So You Want to Make an Audio Drama?
This is workshop takes the audience from start to finish in the process of making a short audio drama (1-2 minutes). The audience will help in three key stages: concept, script writing, and voice acting. It's designed to stand alone but is best when supplemented with "Sound is Magic". Along the way, they'll learn about sound design and sound design concepts in the cinema and television arts (diegesis, fidelity, Rhythm, etc...).
3. How to Survive Your First Convention!
Pretty self explanatory. I'll discuss:
- Why conventions are different from other group gatherings
- Proper health and hygine (bathe and stay hydrated/nourished)
- Cosplay etiquette (both for cosplayers and those who want to take pictures)
- Food around the convention center
- and other general advice
I'd love to meet some more local artists, so if you could introduce me to some of them, I'd really appreciate it.
Eromanga: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF
Saturday at 9:45pm
But I'll also be presenting in this year's Academic Symposium – http://www.anime-expo.org/schedule/academic-lectures/ – on the WHAT ANIME FANS DO, AND WHY, AND HOW panel (I think it's Sunday at noon?).