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Threats in Games

edited July 2013 in GeekNights

Threats in Games

What is a threat in the context of a game? Can they affect the outcome? A snippet from our larger Practical Game Theory at PAX East 2013, we briefly explore some aspects of threatmaking in games, and what it truly means to make a "credible" threat.

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  • Fuck I read the title as "things of your day" because I was just glancing. Fuck.
  • lol.

    This is an experiment. The hardcore people will watch our lectures on Youtube, but not everyone will. I'm going to start cutting sections out and posting them to see what happens.
  • I will build a labyrinth to house the lectures!
  • This is an experiment. The hardcore people will watch our lectures on Youtube, but not everyone will. I'm going to start cutting sections out and posting them to see what happens.
    So people who can't make it to the live lecture for whatever reason won't be able to get the full lecture at all? Thanks Obama.
  • I think he's saying he'll post the full videos as normal, but also post excerpts for people with low attention spans. At least, that's what I think he said, I didn't read all of his post.
  • That's probably the case, but the phrasing is a tad ambiguous if you ask me.
  • RymRym
    edited July 2013
    That's probably the case, but the phrasing is a tad ambiguous if you ask me.
    I have cut down on the percentage of our lectures that I put online. It was starting to hurt attendance for some genres of talk. ;^)

    Most anime ones will NEVER be on youtube due to clip copyright issues.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • Most anime ones will NEVER be on youtube due to clip copyright issues.
    That's a given, that's something you cannot control. Shame you've cut down on uploading panels.
  • That's probably the case, but the phrasing is a tad ambiguous if you ask me.
    I have cut down on the percentage of our lectures that I put online. It was starting to hurt attendance for some genres of talk. ;^)
    Don't be the RIAA! Cons are for games and hanging with people. Panels are things you watch once they are over... so much easier to skip bad Q&A, speaker etc.
  • Most anime ones will NEVER be on youtube due to clip copyright issues.
    That's a given, that's something you cannot control. Shame you've cut down on uploading panels.
    Part of it too is that we duplicate content often. We write a new lecture and run it at multiple conventions. While they're all crooked slightly so, it would be uselessly redundant to upload them.

  • Part of it too is that we duplicate content often. We write a new lecture and run it at multiple conventions. While they're all crooked slightly so, it would be uselessly redundant to upload them.
    That makes perfect sense. By the way, I've started referencing "game design is mind control" in job interviews, since it's a really good, succinct way to give someone the gist of how mechanism design affects people's emotions/actions/etc.
  • Most anime ones will NEVER be on youtube due to clip copyright issues.
    That's a given, that's something you cannot control. Shame you've cut down on uploading panels.
    Part of it too is that we duplicate content often. We write a new lecture and run it at multiple conventions. While they're all crooked slightly so, it would be uselessly redundant to upload them.
    That's what I do with my lectures too.
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