Losing Interest in Things Once Loved
Have you ever had a time in your life where your interest in something you love began to wane? I'm going through that with video games right now, and I can't explain why. I find myself turning to TV Shows, or Movies or Anime or Books. Maybe it's just growing up, but I honestly hope not. Gaming has given me such great experiences!
I think it has something to do with neural pathways and how certain ones get overused so that same stimuli doesn't give you the same reward response like it used to, but I could be remembering it wrong.
But I agree you eventually see all of something you are going to.
Eh, I just think some seasons you just dive into things. Recently for me, it's been anime season. I'm watching 4 different shows that are airing now.
I move more in rotations. At the moment Im playing a lot of stratagy games, soon it will be writing, then reading some history books/writing a paper, then fiction writing and so on. Underneith it all is a steady consumption of books but even then my tasty in them change. My regret is that Im no longer massivly passionate, to an obbsesive way, about any of my interests. I certainly enjoy doing them but Im not massivly fussed if I can't.
Stuff white people like is much more crass than I remember.
With regards to losing interest in things, I've really had no desire and, in some ways, am actively avoiding drama/action/horror anime. I don't care about Madoka, turning away from Attack on Titan, and really just have no inclination to watch anything that is a stressful show. I'm just watching shows that make me laugh or are really light. I'm just so done with stuff like that and have been for a long while now to the point where I don't understand a lot of references on the internet.
Cue internal musical number: