A friend and I are working on a web series called Audience. It is based on some characters she's had for a while, but the stories are largely new ideas just for the show. It is a comedy, though there is action and stuff. The art style has a very vibrant and fun look, and the characters are mainly dogs. The story is hard to explain, but I would compare it to MLP and Durarara. She's a big fan of Lost, Gravity Falls, and Adventure Time and I'm really into Evangelion, MLP, and Utena. There is a full voice cast including an actor who is also our composer. We're not done with the pilot, but in the meantime, there are a multitude of shorts and other videos about the characters. Basically, this might as well be an anime, sort of in the way Bee and Puppycat is anime-esqu. This show has an antihero, quirky villains, and even a
secret of space! How could you people not love it? There are various fandom people following it, but I thought it would be good to get some anime fans and tech people into it.
Here are some videos to tide you over until the release! I wanna see crazy over analysis and shipping when I get back! I kid, I kid, BUT SERIOUSLY. Here they are. And yes, some of these are AMV's or parodies of stuff.

Basically, there's this guy, Litho. He has a curse that turns him to stone when moonlight hits him. He has to deal with ghosts, mummies, a madman with a body made of water, a ghoul little sister and her zombie boyfriend with limb detaching action, and a legion of dogs all suspiciously named Darkky, including a mad king, and a chimera with the power to take away free will. There will be jokes, there will be songs, and no matter what happens, the show must go on!
By the way, here's a nifty little jrpg game about the main character and the Big Bad to amuse you until Episode 1 comes out.
While I'm at it, here's the TV Tropes page for the show. Be careful! TV Tropes destroys lives!
I don't have the authority to merge OP with this post, but if someone who can feels like tidying this all up, that would be cool. We really don't need all those huge embed videos up there.
Odd Darkky, the ghost hunting cannibal.
Showtime Darkky, our primary antagonist.
Episode 1 "Party Pooper" titlecard
Tsar Alek, one of the villains.
Episode 1 has finally premiered.