All right, I'm a 5+ year veteran XBOX 360 user. It's the centerpiece of my entertainment stack
But I'm not sure I'm very happy about the things I've been hearing about the XBOX One. Primarily I'm not very happy about the integrated and mandatory Kinect, not just for the privacy concerns, mostly for the extra hundred bucks and the surety that the thing just isn't going to fucking work properly in my small and dark TV nook.
BUT.. I don't know a whole lot about Playstation except that I bought a PS3, didn't really like it, and sold it on CL at a loss 3 months later..

I appreciated the ad-free dashboard, but found the PS Store clunky and counterintuitive compared to the "new" XBOX dashboard and unified app interface, especially for streaming media. Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Video all work and look about the same and I'm comfortable with them... never tried them on PS3.
Which do I upgrade to? I'm leaning toward PS4 just to save $100... but that interface... that controller... meh.
I've never encountered an issue with my XBOX that wasn't fixed by power cycling it or replacing the core hardware for $200 (once in 6.. something years), either. Tech support isn't on the list of things I want to spend more than 10 minutes a year on for my living room component stack.
Do you do any online gaming?
I have a PS4 but don't use it that much due to a lack of games. The controller is a vast improvement over the PS3 but if you are used to the Xbox controller configuration it can take some time to adjust.
You do not have to pay for PS+ if you don't care about online gaming. With that said the free games is a nice bonus and it certainly rewards a total Sony household. Unlike Xbox you can use all the media apps without paying a monthly fee.
Basically at this point, look at the games. Figure out which ones you want now, and which ones you'll want that are coming out or likely coming out for it in the future, and go with the one that has the greatest number of them.
It's not HARD to build an HTPC. It's ANNOYING to deal with the technical glitches and fuckery that ALWAYS occur at the boundaries between one manufacturer's hardware/software and another's. HTPCs are not mission critical devices in the way that, humorously enough, XBOX 360s definitely are.
Even with the new wider angle optics, that's not enough room except for a glitchy 1P experience.
Had some people over last week and we wanted to play Samurai Gunn. Played it several times before w/ no issue, but now it wants to stutter and run at half frame rate. Oh boy! Nothing else running, no obvious fix, time or a reboot while everyone sits around. BUT WAIT there's a windows update with this reboot! Yay 5 min of twiddling while everyone silently things "this is why I don't game on PC."
Same thing happened shortly after moving in when some friends wanted to play Monaco. My HTPC motherboard has always had 1 non-functional USB slot. Didn't realize it until I had the whole thing set up and really not worth shipping the board back. In re-setting up the HTPC after the move, I accidentally plugged the 360 wireless receiver into the busted slot. Oh boy, now we get to scratch our heads as to why the controllers aren't connecting, and the receiver claims it is an unknown device that needs a driver update.