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What have you named your computers and hard drives?

edited October 2006 in Everything Else
I name all my desktop PCs Pandora, because whenever I open the box, the only thing I can do is hope.

I just got a Macbook a week ago and just thought of naming it tonight, no good ideas, but I'm sure I'll think of something.


  • Sadly I'm not very inventive when it comes to naming. My MacBook is named CramitDMac and my old notebook was the portapad (my whole handle is CramiDFrog so think lilly-pad)
  • My desktop is called Bernard and my laptop is called Lawrence. For no reason what so ever.
  • Mine is all Mac's _____. It is either iPod or Comp, or something else. I am also not very inventive.
  • My first named computer was "Ryoko." My second (and current) one is "Schezar." The Mac mini is "Div."

    I named my iPod nano "Muse" temporarily while setting it up, but I never got around to actually naming it, and by now the name (as lame and uninspired as it is) has stuck.

    I almost named the Mac Hugin and the iPod Munin.
  • My computer's name has always been Claire, and the name is passed on to each new machine. The HD is Claire's Brain. Also for no reason, whatsoever.
  • edited October 2006
    The hostname of my desktop computer is Apreche.
    The hostname of my laptop is mycompany'sname-scott
    The hostname of the server in the house is server
    The hostname of the web server is localhost, or depending
    My iPod's name is Scott's nano

    I think you get the idea. I don't give names to inanimate objects as if they were people. I only label devices and computers with DNS and such to make using them easier. I definitely do not refer to computers or devices by their labels in conversation. Maybe one day when my computer actually has some sort of artificial intelligence, I will call it by a name. Until then it's "Scott's Computer".
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited October 2006
    At home things are name after transformer stuff...but at work I was able to build a little cluster call Decepticon. The primary DC is Megatron, the secondary is Soundwave. DNS = Skywarp, E-mail = Thundercracker, Spam filter server = Starscream. :)
    Post edited by baltmatrix on
  • I tend to go with an anime theme, and my newest box is named Marble Phantasm, while my old machine now doing duty as a server was named Bonaparte.
  • edited October 2006
    My previous desktop is Nagisa, and my current one is Verdandi. Laptop is Yofuwa-chan.
    The server/router is Zuul, for there is no share, only ZUUL!

    Samba server - Yggdrassill
    Cellphone - Moto-chan
    Post edited by Katsu on
  • All our computers have been named after marine animals. My dad started it. :D Well, only the recent ones have that theme, there are some old ones from before we had a theme.

    My computer: Otter
    Family computer: Orca
    Old work computer: Seal
    Old work server: Walrus

    Old laptop: Acer (guess what brand of laptop it is :B)
    Old family computer: Xena (my sister named it when she went through her Xena phase :D)
    Really Old work laptop: Compsagnathus (named after the company logo)
    Super Old work server: Hindenburg (guess why :D)

    ...Holy crap we've had a lot of computers.
  • My laptop is named Lina Inverse and my Ipod Black Magic.
  • I've only had one machine at a time, but it is usually called Valhalla and the drives are named after the Norse gods. Odin is usually an optical drive, Thor, Tyr and Freya hard drives, Loki goes to a drive that plays up a lot, my flash drive is Hermod and my iPod Bragi. Next in line for use would be Bergelmir.
  • At home things are name after transformer stuff...but at work I was able to build a little cluster call Decepticon. The primary DC is Megatron, the secondary is Soundwave. DNS = Skywarp, E-mail = Thundercracker, Spam filter server = Starscream. :)
    Why does Shockwave always get the shaft?
  • How about White Lightning for my Macbook? Its slightly ironic because I don't drink, and it sounds cool.
  • Purplemonkeydishwasher?
  • At home things are name after transformer stuff...but at work I was able to build a little cluster call Decepticon. The primary DC is Megatron, the secondary is Soundwave. DNS = Skywarp, E-mail = Thundercracker, Spam filter server = Starscream. :)
    Why does Shockwave always get the shaft?
    Because Shockwave sucks ass.

    I hereby redub this thread the Your Favorite Transformer Sucks thread.

    My favorite Autobot has always been Jazz, but when I was little I was very upset that the ABs had no great jets. I mean, damn, with air superiority, the Decepticons would have won every battle, regardless of Starscream's little snafus. Do you really think a tractor trailer can stand up to Skywarp and Thundercracker? Astrotrain and Blitzwing? I think not.

    Favorite Decepticon status goes hands-down to Ravage.
  • We already have a server called Shockwave. :) It's our PBX server, so I had to use something else.
  • Desktop: Nyamo
    C: Chiyo [main stuff]
    D: Tomo [games + music]
    E: Osaka [anime]
    (external)H: Kaorin [manga, non-anime movies + misc]
    (external)I: Chihiro [misc]
    Laptop: Kagura
    DS: Yomi
    PSP: Sakaki
    Cell: Urahara
  • I haven't really named any of my computers, but my iPod is named Teh Pwnerpod.
    Yeah, it's not that great, but my next (video) iPod will most definitely be named something better.
  • Desktop: Dermawend

    Drives at various times have included Osiris, Amenti, Styx, and Tartarus.

    Laptop: Midgard

    Ipod: Thoth

    Thumbdrive: silverkey
  • This makes me feel really good! People at school treat me funny cause I slip up and call my laptop Ayumu.

    Navi Baby = imac g4
    Ayumu-kun = ibook g4 (boys name written with the character for walk, cause we go everywhere together)
    Ketchan = Old cell phone
    Rain-chan = new cell phone
    Kurosuke = Japanese cell phone
    Poe-chan = iPod (who is old and infirm)
    Pim = Flash drive
    Benjamin Hikaru = lightbox
  • edited October 2006
    Also, though it is very wrong of me, I have drawn mac slash as a joke for my friends.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited October 2006
    iBook - Arda Fravash
    Game/Web/etc. Server - Anahita
    Main Box -
    • Linux HD - Surush
    • Windows HD - Angra Mainyu
    Gaming PC - Hvar Khshaeta
    Post edited by Ilmarinen on
  • edited October 2006
    I've used Norse mythology as a source for names for quite a while:
    • firewall: yggdrasil
    • desktop: hod
    • file/db server: freya (more properly freyja, I think, but whatever)
    • media pc: fenrir
    Big hard drives are Jotun, Utgard, and Goliath (old holdover from when I had no naming convention), and many other names have been used for other storage devices over time.

    My old place of employment used characters & places from LoTR, which is how I picked up the habit of naming machines in such a fashion.
    I think you get the idea. I don't give names to inanimate objects as if they were people.
    But it's fun to anthropomorphize!!
    Post edited by Rym on
  • C:Mortimer Cieldrick. (That's where the name cielmort comes from.)
    D:Vincent Valentine. (You guys know where that's from.)
    External #1:Motoko.
    External #2:Thor.
    Ipod: Shizuma-sama. (From strawberry panic.)
    psp: Largo (Means slow in Italian, no megatokyo reference.)
    Tablet: kirby. (The first drawing I drew on it.)
  • The only piece of computer hardware that I have named is my external harddrive. When I hooked it up to my computer it was the F drive, so I called it Fishie.

    I did, however, name my car Chiaro after the character in the Cantarella manga.
  • My laptop is named Balthazar.
    My desktop is named Bear Garden.
  • My hard drives are Oden, Hotpot, Curry, Potstickers, Dim Sum and Yakisoba. I was extremely hungry after I installed my first harddrive and the tradition has stuck.
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