One of the most iconic moments of Hogan's career was his match with Andre at Wrestlemania 3. The story of that match was Hogan couldn't knock the big man down. But thanks to the hulkamaniacs' cheering, Hogan was able to hulk up and do the impossible.
Hogan hit tens of thousands of leg drops in his career but everyone still brings up the body slam to Andre because it was a true "Special Attack."
But, which move actually finished off the Giant? Hogan hit the body slam (which is very impressive looking) but he then immediately hit his real finisher, his leg drop. Yes, everyone remembers the body slam because it's an awesome visual and one of the biggest moments in wrestling. However Hogan used a body slam in many matches and never beat anyone with it, instead always using his leg drop to put people away. In fact, not just Hogan, but many wrestlers used body slams during their matches. The only reason the Wrestlemania 3 one was so special was because of how large Andre the Giant was.
I thought he used the Axe Bomber in NJPW? The clothesline-like move? Honestly I'm not that knowledgeable of Japanese wrestler, especially from that long ago so I will fully admit I might be wrong on that one.
Ask someone on the street who isn't a wrestling fan what Hulk Hogan's signature move is. What answer do you think you will get most often?
I don't really get your question here. Are you saying that because Pro Wrestling is, at best, a niche genre that the average person wouldn't know what Hogan's real signature move is? If so, I agree, many people would probably get it wrong. However, if you're arguing that just because most people give the wrong answer that somehow makes the answer correct I'd have to disagree.
For instance, I bet if you asked many non-board gaming people what's the best strategic board game out there I bet many would tell you "Risk". Would you then concede that Risk is a better board game than games like Tigris and Euphrates just because people not in the know say so?
I heard the reason that Hogan used the leg drop as his finishing move was that at some point during his career he got injured in a way that made it very difficult for him to use his previous finishing move (perhaps the aforementioned Axe Bomber?). Other wrestlers have basically said that their grandmas could do a better leg drop than Hogan, but it still ended up as his trademark finisher.
I heard the reason that Hogan used the leg drop as his finishing move was that at some point during his career he got injured in a way that made it very difficult for him to use his previous finishing move (perhaps the aforementioned Axe Bomber?). Other wrestlers have basically said that their grandmas could do a better leg drop than Hogan, but it still ended up as his trademark finisher.
There's a lot of very popular wrestlers who aren't really technically good wrestlers, but they're good a showmanship and mic skills. Cena's the go-to example now, but there are a lot of them.
There's a lot of very popular wrestlers who aren't really technically good wrestlers, but they're good a showmanship and mic skills. Cena's the go-to example now, but there are a lot of them.
Indeed, although in Hogan's case, apparently he was technically better (though perhaps still not great) earlier in his career, pre-leg drop. Then some combination of age and/or injury made him change things up somewhat where he had to emphasize his showmanship and mic skills even more. I heard stories that he was technically pretty good during the years he wrestled in Japan, for instance.
Yay necroposting! I'm catching up on episodes of Geeknights all in a burst. Hogan's American finisher was indeed the leg drop(or leg drop big boot combo) and no one who's watched more than one Hulk Hogan match would claim the body slam was his finish. In Japan he used the Axe Bomber which was a modified lariat. He's had a lot of problems with his back in recent years, and he blames it partially on jarring his spine with all of those leg drops.
I'm using iTunes. It is not the download. Let me try to explain it better. Around the half-way point of the show, it literally starts the audio form the beginning on, while still being at 23:00 or whatever the exact time was, and it still ends at the time it ends; meaning I only got to hear them introduce the topic, and then the show stopped.
For instance, I bet if you asked many non-board gaming people what's the best strategic board game out there I bet many would tell you "Risk". Would you then concede that Risk is a better board game than games like Tigris and Euphrates just because people not in the know say so?
So many ruined shirts!
Are you familiar with how downloads and playing a file works?
Does that better explain it?
Edit: Don't know what was going on before, but it is working now. Sorry for bothering you guys.
but probably his Big Boot.