How Should I Title My Panel?
I'm not doing a panel anytime soon since I will attend university in a couple of weeks, but I want to do a panel at an anime con after I finish post-secondary ed. about the value of understanding philosophy and literature, or just broadening one's own experiences in general, to create better, richer, and/or deeper stories. Here are my ideas for the title: "How to Rise Above Generic to the Power of Bland", "Beyond Naruto" (sorry Rym; I watched ALL of your panels and lectures, including the lecture about making lectures, so I decided to use your idea about the word "beyond"
), and "From Otaku to Philosotaku". If anybody has suggestions for the title, I'd be happy to hear!
"Anime and Philosophy"
The thing is, your panel idea is really played out. I think there has been at least one anime X philosophy panels at just about every anime convention I have ever been to. You're going to have to compete, or join forces, with the people who already cover that material.
If someone reads the description, it explains that the reason your anime is boring is because it lacks philosophical ideas.
Most people show up to panels based on the title and how bored they are. That's why if I ever run a panel, I'm 100% calling it "Why Your Video Game Ideas Suck."