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How do you trust the software you download is what you think it is? Tonight on GeekNights, we explore that question in light of Sourceforge's disgraceful ad-fueled intrusion into the GIMP's installer on their site. In other news, MinGW conflicts badly with MSVCRT in some situations to mess up your floating point numbers, and Google has made a big move by separating Google Photos from G+, giving it unlimited storage, and having a killer UX.
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Why 4 r u so many redundancies Google??
And on the topic of frequent flier miles, one of the first things Bush actually did when he got into office was to change the law for employees and their travel miles. In the past, the miles were government property and could only be redeemed for official travel. Bush put a clause in that year's defense authorization bill allowing employees to keep rewards. Like Rym said, it's just another perk that keeps the employees happy. Besides, tracking miles at an organizational level sounds like a huge pain in the ass that likely wasn't cost-effective.
We also have mandatory city-pairings, pre-negotiated with all the different airlines. So of course I have a small pile of miles with just about everybody. The only time I ever got enough for a free flight was when several airlines bought each other, and my accounts merged!
These are the commands I used to install VLC on the machine -
Find -package -name VLC
Install -package - name VLC
I've been using MinGW for some of my C coding so I could write it in Notepad++ rather than an IDE.
I'm still trying to work out why 80 bits are used for double and long double. I haven't had to use longs for any of the tiny programs in C yet.
Not sure why the industry continue to keep using Java for non object oriented projects and regular applications, likely because it is opensource and cross-platform (but isn't C++?). Most University students don't like it, most working programmers have also said it is inefficient in terms of the characters typed to getting stuff done (e.g. try and read in and write out information in Java vs C or Python).
I was using a Machine learning program that was written in Java and if you didn't regularly clear the buffer, it would suck up all the memory while doing the next few calculations. Looking back on it, the program may have just been written poorly. I would be wary of the stuff they're including. I just have a repository of old installs on one of my hard drives so when I do a refresh and need to do something and don't have it installed, I install it and it usually auto-updates. Ninite looks like the EDreams of installing programs. Yeah Turkish Airlines is part of the Star Alliance which might sound like a futureempire but is actually a comprehensive airlines network, you might even be able to use them to fly to Australia.
Keep in mind, this is the third time Microsoft has tried to implement SSH and failed. If I read correctly, it seems they're also apparently trying to make it so you can SSH INTO a Windows box? At least they're working with the OpenSSH team.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Seems that Powershell is the way Microsoft is trying to appeal to people who use both Linux and Windows operating systems. Also they've been very open with all the other products in the last year or so (and as a result I've been using more of their products), it seems to be falling in line with other decisions. Windows 10 seems to be give me feelings of the very early release of Windows 95 where you were competent if you could use the GUI but you were a wizard if you could exit to DOS and do everything (and more) from there (for muggles anyway).