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GeekNights 20110505 - Assassination, Libya, and Osama bin Laden



  • edited May 2011
    A lawyer, a soon-to-be-doctor, and Professional Badass?

    Brucey, I didn't give you enough credit. That's actually a really fucking good idea.
    Come on, that's pushing it a bit too far.

    I mean, Calling myself professional when I've never been paid for it is a long bow to draw.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'd listen to it.
  • maybe windupbird, hungry joe and churba should start their own podcast
    A lawyer, a soon-to-be-doctor, and Professional Badass?

    Brucey, I didn't give you enough credit. That's actually a really fucking good idea.
    What...what about a soon to be Doctor of...Philosophy.
  • maybe windupbird, hungry joe and churba should start their own podcast
    A lawyer, a soon-to-be-doctor, and Professional Badass?

    Brucey, I didn't give you enough credit. That's actually a really fucking good idea.
    What...what about a soon to be Doctor of...Philosophy.
    Robots, Law, Biology, Badassery. It would definitely work. What would we call it?
  • I think "Robots, Law, Biology, and Badassery" is a perfectly good title.
  • I think "Robots, Law, Biology, and Badassery" is a perfectly good title.
    I agree. And I was just looking at USB studio mics the other day.
  • edited May 2011
    Alas, that's one of those things, like going back to the moon, will never happen. We have the technology, but we probably don't have the will.

    Or do we? Could there actually be an anti-Geeknights? Our intro could be that, traumatized by this episode, we all vowed to oppose Geeknights at every turn.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I'm confident we could do it, even if you want to sit this one out, Joe.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm confident we could do it, even if you want to sit this one out, Joe.
    No. I want to do this, but keep in mind that I am lacking in computer skills.

    We have enough guys for the name to be "The Rat Pack 2000" or "The Italian Job" or somethhing.

    If we're The Rat Pack, I'm Dean.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • You'd only need Skype. I've got Audition. It can be done.
  • edited May 2011
    You'd only need Skype. I've got Audition. It can be done.
    I feel like this is the opening sequence of a heist movie.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Wait a second... The president is dead???
  • You'd only need Skype. I've got Audition. It can be done.
    I feel like this is the opening sequence of a heist movie.
    "This is what I'll do it with. She's not fancy, and she's sure as hell not pretty, but she'll get the job done."
  • Heh, the eps was entertaining because it devolved into what most of the political conversations with Scott devolve into when we have them with the crew. It's Scott wishing he was all powerful and a god where he just dictates his opinions and everyone cheers because it's so smart and can not fail. The eps was fun, but I usually enjoy the eps where Rym has to deal with a trolling Rubin. (since it reminds me of when we hang out)

    Oh and Rubin, I could have discussed this topic, how much of a subject expert do you have to be to have a reasonable discussion on that topic? I spend probably at least 10 hours (probably more like 20) a week reading and discussing Politics, and an additional 3-5 hours running a local political party and thinking about the local elections and issues.

    I have been thinking about doing some sort of Political podcast, I just have such trouble speaking (and typing) properly I'd rather not sound like an idiot ^_^ (more then normal)
  • You'd only need Skype. I've got Audition. It can be done.
    I feel like this is the opening sequence of a heist movie.
    "This is what I'll do it with. She's not fancy, and she's sure as hell not pretty, but she'll get the job done."
    I've been using a snowflake since 2009. It's my go-to mike for on the go recording or pretty much any other time when I'm not doing FNPL.
  • It's going to be moving several thousand miles over the next several years, so I need a rig that holds up. I'm rather glad that you'd endorse it (given your radio experience); I'll be getting one for sure, now.
  • edited May 2011
    Hold it.

    I am training to be on the radio. I DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT have radio experience.

    Without a doubt, I endorse this microphone, but I just want to make sure you don't put any undeserved weight on my recommendation.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Thought you did some College Station broadcasting?

    At any rate, it still means a lot, especially considering the quality of your FNPL recordings.
  • At any rate, it still means a lot, especially considering the quality of your FNPL recordings.
    That I can take credit for. I'm happy to say I'm getting progressively better at increasing the perceived quality of recordings, but having mikes like the Blue Snowflake and the SM-57 at least make sure I don't have to do much of that for myself.
  • Thought you did some College Station broadcasting?

    At any rate, it still means a lot, especially considering the quality of your FNPL recordings.
    A professional grade radio setup and a setup that just has good enough sound quality for the purpose are two different things - I mean, we could get a setup like Scrym, but it's not entirely necessarily from day one. We can get away with decent enough mics and some fixing in post.
    That I can take credit for. I'm happy to say I'm getting progressively better at increasing the perceived quality of recordings, but having mikes like the Blue Snowflake and the SM-57 at least make sure I don't have to do much of that for myself.
    Yeah, I need to fix the whole echo-chamber thing I have going on here, save you some work.
  • edited May 2011
    Two things about this podcast: First, I know I have served in the military, but don't know if anyone else in the forums has. When I took the oath to defend my country for four years, I understood that the sub I was on carried 16 Trident One C-4 nuclear missiles. There was always a chance (which got smaller over time) that the sub would get orders to fire the missiles. As much as I hated nuclear war for the death and damage it could do, I also realized that I was putting my trust in my Commander-in-Chief, his cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs to make the proper decisions on when the use of force and taking lives were needed. Trust me, the world wants to be a safe place, but as long as there are those who would strive to bring death, chaos and their desires of power to the forefront, we need people who are willing to kill and die for their country to keep the rest of us safe.

    Two, I am interested which subject show the pro wrestling topic will cover and the depth of the research. Being a pro wrestling fan from age 5, it will be interesting to see how one who has only a casual knowledge of the art perceives it.
    Post edited by jlawson70 on
  • I will say this: If something threatened the lives of me and mine, I will use deadly force. That is my berserker button.
  • Two, I am interested which subject show the pro wrestling topic will cover and the depth of the research. Being a pro wrestling fan from age 5, it will be interesting to see how one who has only a casual knowledge of the art perceives it
    While I'm doubtful that show will ever exist without a great deal of prodding I would assume they would go into it without too much research. It doesn't seem to be a topic that interests them much.
  • By the by, the patriot act was renewed.
  • By the by, the patriot act was renewed.
    Well, balls.
  • By the by, the patriot act was renewed.
    Yes, but there is good news - It wasn't properly renewed, and Instead of the 4 years the republicans were pushing for, it was only extended for 10 months or so, back in February.
  • I would suggest listening to the first 45 minutes or so of This Week in Google 93. Both Jeff Jarvis and Gina Trapani discuss bin Laden's death and their reactions having lived in New York when 9/11 happened.
  • Trust me, the world wants to be a safe place, but as long as there are those who would strive to bring death, chaos and their desires of power to the forefront, we need people who are willing to kill and die for their country to keep the rest of us safe.
    Describe a scenario in which using a nuclear missile will increase safety of the country, and there is no alternative.

    Also, remember I basically consider myself a citizen of the Internet and/or World. I have no care or loyalty to any countries. I don't even think countries really should exist. People are people. I value the life of a person as the life of a person regardless of nationality. If you tell me that nuking another country will save American lives, and the number of American lives is fewer than those that will be killed by the nuke, then I'll say don't use it.
  • I don't even think countries really should exist.
    Not even from an administrative standpoint? Doesn't it make sense to locally administer? Or should local government not exist on any scale? You grossly underestimate the value of compartmentalizing and localizing certain kinds of administration, which is precisely what governments/nations/states/towns do.
  • edited May 2011
    This episode made my head hurt. And while I listened through the whole thing, at points it felt as though a vice was slowly squeezing my throat.

    I'm sorry Scott, but im going to have to admit to being the so called evil person you talk of. And hey, evil as a term is subjective. My parents and grandparents went through World War 2 and the Japanese occupation of Singapore. The things done, and unspeakable acts committed, the breaking up of families. There are some events that require closure; as humans, we can't just throw away all our emotion for the sake of ethics or so called human values. The day I, as a human, start ignoring my own emotions and what I feel, is the day I stop being a human. If a person murdered my family, or something equally gruesome, I would be heavily upset and bewildered. I will strive for closure. I will wish death upon those who introduced death into a deeply personal and private area of my existence. I don't shy away from this notion, I don't close my heart and wish those persons well in future endeavors for the sake of morals or ethics, which in my opinion, only serve as a guiding rope for our society as a whole.

    And just so you know, Singapore is one of the few places with the death penalty, against murder, against smuggling drugs. I know the foreign view on this. It's always been a topic I had in English classes since i was 8. And I fully approve of it, as I fully approve for my human need to want a safe and secure environment to raise my children, an environment where the temptation and evils of addiction do not compromise my family. If I ever murder a person, I will submit myself to the law, for I would had gone against all my principles as a being who exists. That is my opinion. Is it evil to you? Maybe. Is it evil to me and the globalized society I grew up in? I daresay not.
    Post edited by Rym on
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