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What movie have you seen recently?



  • But I like the emo parts.
    Then you'll love the two Modern Hulk movies ^_^

  • Battleship is the best movie I've ever seen if I've never seen any other movie ever and also had a mental deficiency.
  • edited May 2012
    I'm just going to say this. If I made superhero movies, they would be all sci-fi like the silver age without the corniness. You know, that almost Twilight-Zone style sci-fi of the original Fantastic Four. There may be an action scene or two, but it definitely wouldn't be an action movie.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • You mean adapt Planetary to the small or big screenplanetary

  • You mean adapt Planetary to the small or big screenplanetary

    Not a bad choice.
  • You mean adapt Planetary to the small or big screen.
    Not a bad choice.
    Irredeemable would be THE best superhero TV series of all time. Low on action, too, because Plutonian just fucking annihilates everything.
  • You mean adapt Planetary to the small or big screen.
    Not a bad choice.
    Irredeemable would be THE best superhero TV series of all time. Low on action, too, because Plutonian just fucking annihilates everything.
    The ending is also quite apropos.
  • Underwear Perversion that would make excellent TV and cinema:

    The Invisibles
    Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol
    Miracleman (OH YES.)
    Atomic Robo: The Animated Series
  • Can we just get another Teen Titans series? Silly like the first one, serious like the comics, I don't care. I just want to see Raven and Billy West's Kid Flash in animation again.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2012
    Underwear Perversion that would make excellent TV and cinema:

    The Invisibles
    Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol
    Miracleman (OH YES.)
    Atomic Robo: The Animated Series
    I don't know if this counts as Underwear perversion but I would love it if this got adapted.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Wow, where did all these posts come from?
  • Mostly from Rym being wrong.
  • Mostly from Rym having taste and recognizing an enjoyable but average movie as both enjoyable and average.
  • The only taste you've got is that of James Cameron's dick.

    In your mouth.

    Because you fellate him.

    And by that I mean you give him more credit than he should have. And also that you suck a mean dick.
  • Mostly from Rym being pretentious.
  • Who knew that having standards made one pretentious.
  • Who knew that thinking everyone should have exactly the same standards as yourself made one pretentious.
  • Who knew that thinking everyone should have exactly the same standards as yourself made one pretentious.
    Well, I'd say there are degrees. Everyone should appreciate Veronese's The Wedding At Cana. Saying everyone should feel a certain way about a superhero film (regardless of saying it's good, bad, or average), is a bit silly. I'm only indignant because Rym's "taste" has inconsistencies.

    Really though, I'm only indignant because I'm a geek, and the Prime Geek Maxim is more or less, "Stop Liking What I Don't Like, Don't Think How I Don't Think." And the same goes for everyone else with geek indignation in this argument, and if you disagree with me, you're most likely fooling yourself.
  • I'm only indignant because Rym's "taste" has inconsistencies.
    Such as?

    More to the point, I note that you're all taking a surprising hostile stance on my opinion that a movie was pretty enjoyable, but had some flaws and appeared overhyped. I don't know about you, but I consider that to be a pretty moderate opinion.

    Doth the lady protesteth too much?
  • poop
  • Who knew that thinking everyone should have exactly the same standards as yourself made one pretentious.
    Higher standards are better than lower standards.

    You have only a limited amount of time to live. The most valuable commodity you have is this short time of your life. How you choose to spend each second is the absolute most important decision you have to make. Enjoying and creating art is perhaps one of the greatest things about being alive. That is to say, a life that doesn't include those things is not a life you would want to live.

    But since time in your life is limited, and creating and experiencing art takes time, you must very carefully choose how much time you devote to which works of art. There is already more amazing artwork in existence than you can possibly experience in multiple lifetimes. Even if you didn't have to sleep, work, eat, pee, or poop, you could maybe only experience a mere fraction of a percent of the great art that is out there.

    Therefore, a life of high standards where you ride only the tallest rollercoasters is a life which is more worth living. There's no reason to even bother watching a B+ if there are more A movies out there than you can possibly watch in a lifetime. In that sense, a B+ may as well be an F because neither one is worth wasting the precious seconds of your incredibly short life.
  • I point out that I didn't even say Avengers wasn't worthwhile. I just said it was OK. Fun, a little flawed, a bit too long, but nonetheless enjoyable. That's the opinion everyone's so worked up about. ;^)

  • I don't know why I type the same thing a zillion times over and over, but nobody ever reads or understands.

    Liking something is not in any way related to how good the thing is.

    Yet, it seems that other than myself I encounter extremely few people who understand this. Everyone says the things they like are good, and the things they do not like are not good nearly 100% across the board.

    From now on there should be a rule. You aren't allowed to talk about what is good and what is not unless you name a thing you like that is awful and a thing you hate that is the absolute best. I will go first.

    I like Initial D, which is the worst.
    I hate the game of Go, which is the best.

    Are you people who liked Avengers sure that it is actually good, or just that you enjoyed it? Are you people who disliked it sure that it is bad, or just that you did not enjoy it?
  • edited May 2012
    I point out that I didn't even say Avengers wasn't worthwhile. I just said it was OK. Fun, a little flawed, a bit too long, but nonetheless enjoyable. That's the opinion everyone's so worked up about. ;^)

    Are you complaining that we are bitching about a slight difference of opinion while we are generally in agreement..


    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited May 2012
    Your argument Scott boils down to you never watching Initial D which you actually like and always playing Go which you hate though.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Arguing about what is good or bad objectively is nearly impossible, and I don't think anyone is actually capable of doing it, because taste is a thing that no one really understands.

    Scott, you can admit you like bad things and dislike good things, congratulations! That doesn't mean that you are now capable of distributing judgment across the board. It just means you are self-aware. Your judgment is still not infallible. Just as mine isn't.

    I can make plenty of arguments as to why The Avengers is good. I can also make plenty of arguments as to why Avatar is bad. I can also make the opposite arguments for both movies.

    What it winds up coming down to is the weight of what you enjoy in a movie. Different people enjoy different things, so for some people, what's good about Avatar outweighs what's bad, because the things that are bad don't bother them.

    At the end of the day, figuring this all out objectively becomes damn near impossible once you get into arguments about taste. I can argue 'til the end of time that Final Fantasy XIII is objectively bad because of certain things it does. However, it's still my opinion, and I've seen enough arguments for it being objectively good and for people who like it that clearly it can't be as simple as I think it is.
  • Reasonably objective arguments can be made from a film criticism perspective. Nothing is truly objective, but pointing that out and using it as an argument is basically the equivalent of saying "I don't want to talk about this."
  • edited May 2012
    Arguing about what is good or bad objectively is nearly impossible, and I don't think anyone is actually capable of doing it, because taste is a thing that no one really understands.

    Scott, you can admit you like bad things and dislike good things, congratulations! That doesn't mean that you are now capable of distributing judgment across the board. It just means you are self-aware. Your judgment is still not infallible. Just as mine isn't.

    I can make plenty of arguments as to why The Avengers is good. I can also make plenty of arguments as to why Avatar is bad. I can also make the opposite arguments for both movies.

    What it winds up coming down to is the weight of what you enjoy in a movie. Different people enjoy different things, so for some people, what's good about Avatar outweighs what's bad, because the things that are bad don't bother them.

    At the end of the day, figuring this all out objectively becomes damn near impossible once you get into arguments about taste. I can argue 'til the end of time that Final Fantasy XIII is objectively bad because of certain things it does. However, it's still my opinion, and I've seen enough arguments for it being objectively good and for people who like it that clearly it can't be as simple as I think it is.
    Even in your own post you get it wrong. Look at your first sentence!
    Arguing about what is good or bad objectively is nearly impossible, and I don't think anyone is actually capable of doing it, because taste is a thing that no one really understands.
    Taste is a matter of liking or not liking things. It has nothing to do with things being good or bad. These are two separate, and 100% completely unrelated things.
    At the end of the day, figuring this all out objectively becomes damn near impossible once you get into arguments about taste. I can argue 'til the end of time that Final Fantasy XIII is objectively bad because of certain things it does. However, it's still my opinion, and I've seen enough arguments for it being objectively good and for people who like it that clearly it can't be as simple as I think it is.
    Again, you used the wrong word. Opinion. Opinion is whether you like or do not like a thing. It has 100% nothing to do with whether that thing is good or bad.

    Citizen Kane is perhaps greatest move ever made. The Mona Lisa is perhaps the greatest painting in existence. These are FACTS. They are not matters of opinion. Even if everyone on earth hates them, the fact does not change. You must read and write much more carefully so that you understand the complete separation of objective evaluation of a work of art, and your personal taste.

    If you look in this thread everyone who likes Avengers is also claiming that it is very good. Everyone who disliked it is also claiming it is not so good. There is not one person here who is claiming a divergence. Therefore, it is readily apparent that all of your evaluations of its innate quality are tainted with the bias of your personal feelings toward it.

    If you want to say you liked it, then just say you like it. Just don't use words like good, bad, best, worst. Stick to words like love, hate, enjoy, or dislike. Don't try to make any statements about a thing being good or bad unless you can look at it from a perspective completely devoid of your personal emotions towards it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Ok, I will make this argument, Avengers is the Citizen Kane of Superhero Action films.
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